Chapter 21 - Poor Hazza :(

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  • Dedicated to EveryDirectionersOutThere!!

Heya guys! First of all, i AM having a headache right now but i wanna update cause ive been thinking about this idea BEFORE i started the book!! So we will be having a little bit of drama.. Yayy! :D.. Okey focus! Second of all, I WANNA CONGRATZ THE BOYS ( One Direction ) FOR THEY WINNING AT BRIT AWARDS! hahahapp! Love cha guyyys! Just believe me, you all gonna meet them personally one day! Maybe not now, but you will :D.. I had a friend who BEEN DYING to meet them but we live at malaysia so no chance right? Btw.. Owh gud.. Once i write, i couldnt shit sherlock! Okey here it iss! DONT FORGET TO VOTE! I NEED VOTES TO KEEP UPDATING! GOTCHAA!! :D

(Sorry for the language in this chapter!!)


Jessica's POV ( At 8 morning )

Hmm! The smell of pancakes are really unresistible! I'm making the pancakes for the boys actually. They must be real hungry when they wake up. Believe me! Niall said he love me for my cooking talent.. Haaha ! At least Niall do apprechiate me? I was kinda hurt when remembering the boys NEVER compliment about my cooking. Was it that bad actually? Or its tasteless? I have NO idea! But when i think about last night, it send me shiver. I had good time last night. How i wish i haven't make scene yesterday! Wow. This morning was hot! So i wear a yellow blouse that reveals a lil' bit of my chest match with a really short sweatpant.. Just under my bum.. I was hearing ' Good Time ' by Carly Rae Jepsen and Owl City.

I poke the pancake want to know if it was burn or not. I was humming the song and the blast on my ear cause i was wearing earphone. " AGGHHHHHH "i was scared by Louis! He just poke my shoulder but i almost shake the house by my scream.. " Wow relax love! It's me! Louis! " Louis join Niall, Zayn and Liam at the dining table diggging in my pancakes. " Its delicous! I love it! " Liam said while smiling to me, while Zayn nod accepting the fact that my pancake was boom not doom! Hahahah! Niall was picking his 3rd pancake from the stack! NO SHIT! I was just finishing the batter seeing NO more pancake! "Guys! You're swallowing not chewing aren't you!" Not a question. I mix the ingredients once again and make more pancakes. While waiting, i join the boys chatting a bit .. It's weird because i started with the pancake recipe and we all ended up with chocolates! Belgium chocolates,milk chocolates, dark choclates and more but then i realize!! " WHERE THE HECK IS HARRY? " i ask panicly! Oh god how could i forgot him! " we don't know what'sup with him. He said just a few minutes before going downstairs" i ran upstairs and without knocking, i rush inside seeing Harry lying there peacefully.

I walked to the bed. He was sleeping facing the other side. I play with his curl and he wasn't sleeping. He was wide awake. " Good morning my prince! " he wasn't replying just smiling at me.. Something going on here! " What's wrong? " i ask him and put my hand on his forehead and SHIT! His temperature was high as hell! " Oh no hazza you having fever!!! " i was panic! Without him saying anything, i exit the room to take some of the breakfast and medichine , of course! I take a tray and Liam asking me what's wrong. I said that Harry was having fever everyone stand up and following me to Harry's bedroom.

I put the tray on table and god he was sweating hellies! I take a bit of the pancake and give him a mouthful of pancake.. He just lay down weakly. It's really sad to watch your love like that. When the pancakes was done( i give him more than the boys ) , i give him the water and he just sip in . I take the towel and wipe it all over his face. He close his eyes and i cried. I cant hold it anymore. Harry takes my hand and kiss it. " Why are you crying? I'm totally fine and it was me who's sick.. Please don't cry ". I kiss his forehead and put my head on his chest. " i will take care of you " .. I just drift to sleep peacefully as Harry chess rise and fall.


I woke up and it was night already. Wait! Where was Harry? He was still sick! What are the boys eating for dinner? I run outside and saw a note on the kitchen. It writes :

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