Chapter 22 - Studio-o-o ( Part 1 )

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Harry's POV

It's been 9.10 now and Jess still inside her room. Probaly doing some makeup.. I just can't understand girls! They took FOREVER to finish their makeup things! I prefer natural beauty but whenever i said that to Jess, she stomp off.. She said that there was some meaning behind my words.. But sometimes, she do look good with a bit of makeup.." JESSICA! GET HERE RIGHT NOW!" . That was Niall.. He was the one who really impatient but i'm getting impatient too now..

The sound of heels clicking really turn me on.. I turn around and there stood Jess. She look wonderful! I stand up and slip my arms on her waist making her jump. " You look wonderful! " i said to her ear.. I can feel her body shaky after i said that.. I love leaving effects for Jess... She chuckled and something bling caught my eyes.. It was a necklace.. With 'H' letter on it.. Does it name?

" Nice necklace.." I said and suddenly she pulled of and turn to me with a frown. " Hey! Don't take the 'H' letter as Harry! It could be my cat, Horton or maybe my teacher, Hailey" ..Jessica..if you could only knew what you said just busted yourself out.. I turned around to the boys and they all were trying not to laugh but Niall just laugh and they all did.. Louis laugh untill tears came out of his eyes! I grab Jess's chin and bring her face up to me. " I didn't said it was for Harry love". Jessica just blush and quickly grab the house key and trying to hide her blush but silently, i saw it. I can say that everytime she blush, i did it and i saw it too.. The boys had stop laughing and we follow her to the door and she lock the door and we get inside the car..

Jessica's POV :

That was extremely embarrassing! Jessica you should stop being a clutz! Yeah actually i did buy the necklace with 'H' letter mean for Harry but i want it to be a secret but i guess, it's not really a secret now aren't it? We get inside the car and i still can't stop blushing! I sat next to Harry and Zayn while Liam and Niall sat at the back and Louis were driving. " Owh jessica, you could be a comedian at--------" Louis said while laughing but i cut him. " Drive." I said while looking outside the window. I'm not sulk or anything it's just i wanna test how long they could live without me talking to them because they are the one that i frequently talk each day.. Let the game begin!

The journey was pretty long because we usually fill the car with noise,singing and joking but this time, it filled up with tense and nobody dare to talk to me...maybe i talk back but not now.. And after about 15 minutes, we arrive and i walk behind Liam, automatically i will be the one who is the behind.. But suddenly, Harry and Louis stop and wait for me. I rolled my eyes pretending still sulking. Hey i like this game so much! Harry put his arm on my waist and Louis grab my hand and play with my fingers.. " Are you still mad? I'm so sorry love." Louis spoke. " No." I reply coldly knowing that this will make effects for them.. They both stop walking but i continue to walk inside studio but suddenly, out of nowhere, a girl grab my arm. " Hi! I'm Sarah! I'm a big fan of you! Can i get picture together? " she ask with hope in her eyes. " Sure, why not? " i smile at the camera and soon, i sign the back of her phone with PERMANENT marker! Wow i guess she is a hardcore fan?

I walk back inside a studio and saw Rick was there.. With another girl, it seems familiar, the hair, the legs and the highness! But who? She was talking on phone but i just ignore her and walk to the boys and join the conversation. But i just can't help stop looking at the girl figure. " Jenna come here. Here is Jessica, the new cover girl".. What? Cover girl? Does Rick mean me? I turn around to see if another person behind me but i found a standing lamp right behind me.. The girl turn around and wait............

It's Jenna. My pal!

" Jenna? " " No way , Jessica? " Oh god.. I was walking to her and hug her.." So nice to meet you again! You work here? " i ask and damn, she look good and ... Yah just good. " yeah i just finish my study a week ago and Syco just found me and offer me this job. So i took it. Okey so you are the cover girl for Elle Magazine! Congratz! " i froze.. Me? Cover? Magazine? No way! That was my dream! I hug her and thanks her but she said that we need to photoshoot me now because the Elle company was mad because the newest issue would be out in 3 days. So she grab and drag me to a room and i was just about to jump off Harry's back but i remember the game! So i can't do it!

" wow..! " that's all i said once i entered the room. It was big and full of dresses! I can go mad now seeing all this dresses..! " owh no no no! My job is to pick a dress so just wait here and also Elle Company just call me and they said you need to dress like a candy girl.." Candy girl? Is this like Katy Perry or something? I grab the yellow short dress with a hot pink shorts.. And it fit me really well but when i go out of the dressing room, all i see is lamps, a pool of a shitload of bubble gums! " What are these for? Your not going to ask me to lay on the bubblegums aren't you?" I ask but the bubble gums seems yummy.. Colourful, big, round and yummy!! " yes i am! You are the candy girl! Now hurry! Go lay there and open this lollipop bite it a bit! " . I was completely inside makeup mode and i wear bubblegum necklace and 'eat me' hairclip. Seriously, i didn't wanna wear it but i need to. So i down with the bubble gums all over myself, facing the camera and god! The lollipop were rock hard and i bit it making some bit scars there..

A guy enter the room and he is the cameramen.. I lay there, but the cameramen ask me to make 'o' mouth, lift up my feet and hold the lollipop and cover my left eyes with it.. My hair drop to there side but i felt strong wind from the opposite direction making my hair flew and there SNAP picture of myself.. Looking like having fun and it's really fun.. I look at the picture and i look .................POWERFULL! With the flying hair, feet up, bubblegums all at the side.. I DO look like a candy girl now but i just realize! It was almost 2 now and i still haven't do the song! Oh shit!


Dont know what to say but stay tune for part 2... Thanks and sorry for late update! Vote, comment and fan me and i sure to follow you back!

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