Chapter 20 - All-Gone-Wrong Dinner!

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I've lost my 1D poster... I felt like i could scream nowww....NOOOOO! Oh btw..

400+ READERS? OH MY GUCCI! Guys,guys,guys thankyou, loveyou, ! Im pretty excited for this chapter because i got a funny idea for this 'ROMANTIC' dinner...sshhh! Im giving you sneak peek soo shhh! Okey,okey! Lets get going readerrss! See you at the end for some kiss and hugs! Xoxo

(P/S : i already did kiss and hug you right? ) :D

--------------------------------------------5 p.m.---------------------------------------------

Just 1 more hour before the dinner..Honestly, i never felt this nervous before. I was sweating badly and for the last hour, i'm choosing a dress..Now this is a complicated part of all! Not to slutty, not too glittery and of course, not attracting. After loads of dress on the bed, i choose a blue dress that stop just below my some ruffles at the strap. Simple but to me, elegant! I love that dress so much because it was a treat from Skyler from her first salary. Talking about Skyler, i called her 3 days ago. She said she was doing fine. But unfortunately, i was interrupting them with their honeymoon! They were on island which i forgot the name because it's kinda hard to pronounce. I hope she will not get pregnant which is going to be super weird because its just kinda like 3 weeks after their marriage.

I snap out of my thoughts when Zayn knock the door. " Come in! " . Zayn come in with an 'o' shape of his mouth. I blush knowing that he was admiring me. I am the insecure girl.

" You look stunning. Harry would be drooling over you. Can i help you ? Zayn ask. Sometimes he could be really handful when it came to fashion.

" Could you straighten my hair? I haven't do it for at least a year now. I forgot how i look when my hair is straight." I chuckled and Zayn just nod. He started to straighten my hair with that rebonding thing. I don't know what is it called!!

After 30 minutes of suffering because Zayn made me stand and he said he can't do it when i sit. Strange right? I know. But i totally look stunning when it's done. I accept my own compliment but from other, sorry no. Even it was from Harry. I took a glance at my clock and it was already 6.50! Oh no! Harry must've be waiting for me downstairs. I slip in my blue 4 inch heels and walked carefully downstairs. I don't wanna trip on something anymore!

I felt my cheeks grew red after the boys were all looking at me. I look down at my heels because i don't like attractions. " I look ridiculous aren't i? " I ask the boys and Harry shook his head immediately! " You look stunning babe ". Harry walked to me and started to kiss me. I felt sparks and butterflies inside my stomach just like the last time. But this time is more passionate. Harry lookin' good tonight!

" So do you " i smiled and we walked to the front door but suddenly, Louis scream something OUT of my mind! " Remember to use protection! We don't want Jr. Styles come running around the house! ". I shot Louis an angry glare he just laugh with the boys. When Harry close the door, he tied my eyes with some kind of fabric . I dont know! He said that this was a top secret. He guide me to the car and he started to drive. All along the way i kept shouting that Harry was kidnapping me. He just laugh everytime i said that. Finally, after an eternity drive ,i feel the car stop and i guess, we are here!!

Harry open the car door and guide me to the restaurant like a gentlemen.. Aww. And i feel like cold wind hit my body and sending me to shiver but suddenly, i feel heat and i keep walking with Harry's guide.

" Harry Styles where are we now? Are you going to dump me somewhere lonely? " i ask because all that i said was possible. He could just go and sell me to a men. But nah, Harry aren't going to do that ! ............ Is he? Harry untied the fabric and wow! Thats all i can say! I was standing inside a 5 star restaurant with some damn cool candles ALL around the restaurant. They got light but i can say the place was 75% light by candles. But trust me, this can't go more further than romantic.

" Hi, i'm Cole and i be you waiter for your dinner tonight. " He was holding the menus and give it to me, then to Harry. We order the same thing that would be a lasagna..Harry whisper something to the waiter but when i ask Harry what is it, he said it was a secret , AGAIN! I hate secret! After some chat, the waiter come again with 2 yummy lasagna.. It got a red sauce on top of it which i guess tomato sauce? Please not chili sauce , please please please..! I got serious allergic with chili that will make me cry instantly for no reason and broke my voice.. Last time i got some and i couldn't say a word for 6 hours! Horrible i know!

" Harry this isn't chili sauce aren't it? " i ask Harry without tasting it first.

" i guess not , love. Why? " Harry ask with a weird face. You don't tell me i still didn't tell him aren't you?

" i cant have anything spicy or chili related because i got a small allergic. Nothing much ". I lied to Harry because if he knows it, he must grown panic and ask me to go to the hospital. I dont tell anyone im afraid of hospitals especially doctors. I don't know how i choose doctor as my ambition when i was a kid..

I taste the lasagna and it was super tasty and it wasn't chili sauce. It taste like nothing but when you eat it with the noodles, it will poke every tastebud you have. Yummy! Thats one word i describe it. But suddenly, i guess i ordered the wrong thing and i guess i order the spicy one because first, i bitten the super hot chili and now, i can't feel my whole mouth especially my lips. Second thing, tears rolled down my cheeks like waterfall which is the symptoms. Yup, it seems like i was crying but i wiped it quickly not wanting Harry to know it because i might ruin the night with my stupid allergic. But i guess he knows me better..

" Oh jess! Why are you crying?! " Harry seems panic and stop eating.

" Harry its ok! I just got my allergic which I BITTEN ONE OF THE FREAKING CHILI AND I CANT FEEL MY WHOLE MOUTH NOW!! " i stomp the table not because i'm angry at harry but i'm rushing to the toilet.. I push the toilet door and rush in. Ahh.. My luck there's no one inside because it's the VIP level. I puke my guts at the sink and after a few minutes, i was okey again. But my nose red, i still felt the hotness inside my mouth and there is nothing i can do unless let it there until the feel gone. I push the women toilet door and Harry was about to open it and he hug me. Wow? Hug? But i hug back.

" I'm so sorry Jessica, i should have known that you had such a bad allergic to chilis.." Oh no, Harry cried! I never seen Harry cried before and i just wipe the tears with my thumb and sorry him for ruining our night.. Harry drive back home and the drive doesn't goes awkward because he kept apologizing to me..

" Hazza! It's okey! I'm completely fine! It wasn't like im dying now! " he laugh and he put his hand on my hand.. One hand driving, one hand on my hand.. He smile and i smile back ..

We got home and all the boys been asking how was our night.

" AWESOME! I just got my allergic due to chili lasagna.. " i laugh but i was the ONLY one who laugh.. Everyone went concern by asking how bad it was..It was no bad because i haven't lose my voice! Not at all! I guess this is what happen when you got someone you loved when you got your allergic..

" It's all my fault ! I should have told---------" i cut Harry sentence by kissing him and he kiss back and to make it more heat, i put my hand on his curls and start to play with it.. I pull from the kiss saying " you might wanna stop blaming yourself or no more kiss for you , curly " .. He pretend to zip his mouth and i kiss him back longest i could and Liam aww us..

aww... And the next thing , we went to bed and Harry was sharing bed with me first night in the same bed..Why? Because i never want to share bed BEFORE this because i scare he might do something out of my mind. But i guess he wouldnt do it.. And he tweeted " having the best night with @JessicaCowell18 .. I peck him a kiss.

" Goodnight curly "

" Goodnight beautiful " and i drift to sleep dreaming me and harry and the is good..


Heya guys! How do you like this? Well pleaseeee commenttt! .............hahahahp!

DO NOT COPY MY STORY WITHOUT PERMISSION! I do it myself! And i believe that you can do it yourself too! If you have your story, just message me and i sure to read it.. I love fanfiction!

buhbye ladiess! Stay strong whatever condition you are now.. ! :D


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