Kick Off

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My alarm clock went off. To be honest it's not a noise I would enjoy. I don't normally like the thing that wakes me up every morning... so I already picked on I don't like anyway.

I take a quick shower. Yes it is possible for girls to take quick showers. I changed into my work clothes and put my hair up as I do everyday. I then applied on my makeup and headed down stairs.

When I reached the bottom step I heard a cupboard door bang. I go over and opened up the door. That's when a can of tuna came flying at me followed by a soft meow. Hehe!

Reika: You're supposed to eat your dry cat food! Not tuna!

That's why I called her Tuna. She loves it way toooo much. (Looks like the kitten on the cover!)

She rubbed her head against the can of the tuna and I couldn't resist. I grabbed my camera and took a picture. I did it so perfectly. I never take blurry pictures. That will go on my blog! I opened the can of tuna and turn on her self cleaning litter box. Then I left.

I hoped into the train and before no time I'm inside my building. I pulled out my passcode.

???: Good morning Rei!

I turned around and seen my co-worker giving me his charming smile. His name is Shusei Hayakawa. Some people call him Mr. Social.

Reika: Good morning Shusei!

???: Come on Mr. Social we gotta go talk to Mr. Big shot. Lets go!

That would be another co-worker of mine. Minato Okochi. He's really mean but his very confident. He also knows what he's talking about. They left still chatting to themselves.

I went over to the elevator. One opened and I literally get shoved into it. I tripped and was expecting to fall but someone caught me. I looked up and saw my favorite person. Kaoru Kirishima!

Reika: Well thank goodness you like your personal space invaded.


I was joking with him. He's a loner and reserved. He always fascinated me. I got up and just started making faces at him. When the elevator opened I broke our eye connection. I turned back and he's gone. I get off and head straight for the meeting room.

Reika: Kaoru.

When he turned to look at me. I pulled a face. I was trying not to laugh but I just want to see him smile. He probably have a great smile if he just showed it.

???: Who let the camera freak in here? Wait why are you pulling a face?

Chiaki Yuasa was giving me his signature look.

Reika: You shouldn't make faces Chiaki they could get stuck like that. Then everyone would know just how sneaky you are.

Kaoru smiled. It was there for a minute but I saw it. Anyway Chiaki and I aren't really the closest of friends. He doesn't really like me and I really don't trust him. So anyway I just glared at him.

Chiaki: Who let the dog out?

???: Chiaki! Don't be rude to our photographer.

That was Akiyoshi Zaizen. He's my second favorite person. He's also our boss.

Chiaki: We don't even need her anyone can take photos.

Reika: Hey you write with words. I write with photos. Don't like it deal!

Shusei: Yeah we need photos they boost our story. Reika provides evidence and we write around them. Plus Reika is special she gets photos that no one else notices. It would harm us if she left us for another company.

Minato: Yeah the only reason why we are good is because of Reika's gift! she is valuable.

Akiyoshi: Guys knock it off. If you have time to talk you have time to work. Kaoru and Reika my office! Now!

All: Yes Sir!

Kaoru was already waiting for us. I go in and Akiyoshi closes the door. He opens his drawer and pulled out a flyer.

Akiyoshi: I hope you both agree to this. I thought of you two the moment I read it. Kaoru your knowledge and English speaking skills would help us. Reika your skills will also help us out. Now you will have to travel. The company will provide the hotel room and it's a two bedroom so you won't be sharing a room. Just the kitchen, bathroom and living room.

Wait what about Tuna? Maybe I could have my mother take care of her. Then again she is not a big cat fan.

Kaoru: I have a cat. Are they pet friendly?

Reika: Yeah I have a cat too...

Akiyoshi: yes it's pet friendly. Just take care of them. I want you to finish what you guys are working with now. Expect to leave on Saturday.

Reika: What two days!!!! I can't rush perfection!

Kaoru: ....

How is he okay with this! Now I have to go out and get as much photos as I can. I go to the board and signed out. I have to take photos of the safe house that was just built.

I went to the place and took pictures. I have taken photos of the lovely designs on the roof. The flowers planted. The front gates. The whole house. I even had permission to go inside. I took pictures of everything thing I possibly could. Some things they won't allow me to but they let me look inside. I asked them if I could take notes and they agreed.

I went back and started to print the photos out. I turn around and Kaoru was right there.

Reika: Whoa! Kaoru don't creep up on me like that!

Kaoru: have a cat too?

Reika: Yeah I do.

Kaoru: ...we should put them together.

He's right. Cats are very territorial. They would have to get along.

Reika: Yeah you're right. So is your cat a boy or a girl?

Kaoru: She's a girl.

Reika: Mine is too. I call her Tuna.

Kaoru: You named your cat Tuna?

Reika: Yeah you'll see why.

Kaoru: ...

And we are back to the silent treatment. Oh well my pictures are done. I collected them and handed them to Akiyoshi.

Akiyoshi: Nicely done Reika! I hand them straight off.

Shusei: Rei! Can you check this article out?

Reika: Yeah sure!

I read the article over and glimpse through it.

Reika: It's drawn out very well! I would take out the third person because it hinders your main point!

Shusei: Thanks!

Later that day we all worked late. It was quite tiresome. I had edited a few of my photos. This made them look brighter and better. As soon as I edited the last one I got my things together.

Kaoru: ...

Reika: Kaoru stop sneaking up on me.

Kaoru: ...We need to get the cats together.

Reika: Oh right we only have a few days. Okay fine.

So with that we head out.

Authors Note: here the first chapter! I would post the next chapter but...I'm not done with it. Anyway sorry I wanted to go in a different route! So this is what I came up with. So yeah I upload after I finish the chapters so don't get upset if chapters are not getting uploaded fast enough. I still have two other stories and I have classes. I promise I will update as fast as I can but yeah let me know what you think please!

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