New Friends

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I visited the lady and she was really kind. I told her to just act like she normally does. After I finished she asked me to see them.

Lady: Wow good job! Much better then the young boy!

Reika: He has potential! I plan on fixing the phitos he took so he can use them.

Lady: Why?

Reika: I want to show him we can work together on this... maybe fix our broken road.

Lady: Do you like him?

Reika: No he's my co-worker... I just want to work on being neutral respect maybe even a friendship. I won't give up on him either!

Lady: It sounds like you like him.

Reika: ....okay well I think we are done thank you Miss for helping me! I shall be here tomorrow with him.

Lady: Sounds like a date!

Reika: Haha your too much! Thank you for your time!

Lady: Any time! See you later thanks for coming over tell Akiyoshi I said hi!

Reika: Okay thanks!

I said goodbye before leaving to head back to work. I went into the photo room. I printed off my photos and edited all of the photos including Chiaki's. It wasn't easy. Thank goodness I know what to do. Unfortunately I couldn't fix any of them. I tried my best. They came out anyway because it automatically prints out your finial work. I grabbed the photos and walked out. Someone bumped into me... my photos went everywhere.

I go to pick them up and I saw that Chiaki was helping me. Huh? Did he bump into me? Oh wait the photos!

Reika: No no you don't have to do that!

Chiaki: Why you hiding something?

He sees right through me and starts looking at my photos.

Chiaki: You tried fixing my photos? Why?

Reika: I saw potential! I wanted it to work out but I failed.

Chiaki: ...Reika let me stick to the writing, don't give me hope.

Reika: Sorry, anyway I went over and took some photos. I don't know what angle your playing at so I tried my best.

Shusei: Rei! We found you a replacement!

I turned around and Shusei was waving me into the office. I quickly hand Chiaki the photos and he glanced over them. Walking next to me. I turn to see Akiyoshi with a young man. He look quite young. Akiyoshi sees me and calls me over.

Akiyoshi: Reika this is Christopher Brown! He's here for internship but he agreed to fill in for you while your away! Can you show him the ropes. I'm gonna get the passcode to allow you in to the places you have access to.

Reika: Wow it's a pleasure to meet you!

Chris: Like wise! Wow I can't believe that I get to meet Reika Sasaki! I'm a huge fan!

Reika: Well that's nice of you! Let me show you what you need to know.

I showed him all of our equipment that we had. I explained each one by the time we left the room when I finished.

I look over to finding Akiyoshi and Shusei having trouble talking to a lady. She was signing at him and you could tell he had no clue what she was saying but I do. I don't know why she was using American Sign Language but she was... maybe she's a tourist. I walked over and signed for her to start over.

Woman (signing): who wrote the article on the new orphanage?

Reika (speaking): she wants to know who wrote the article for the orphanage.

Akiyoshi (speaking): Kaoru there someone who wants to talk to you.

Kaoru: ...

Reika (signing): this is the person who wrote the article his name is k-a-o-r-u k-i-r-i-s-h-i-m-a

Woman (signing): it was very well written and it made me cry. I begged the people downstairs to let me in. I just wanted to say that it was very good and the facts are really hard to beat from the photos!

Reika (speaking): she says that it was very well written and it had made her cry. She had to beg the people downstairs to let her in. She wanted to say that it was very good and that the facts where hard to beat from the photos.

Kaoru (speaking): Tell her thanks and your the one who took the photos.

Reika (speaking): Yeah I know.

Reika (signing): He said thank you and I'm the one who took the photos.

Woman (signing): Well they were very lovely. Anyway I have to go thank you for helping me!

Reika (signing): no problem! Thanks for telling us how you felt!

The woman nodded and walked off.

Chris: I didn't know you knew American Sign Language! You were so fluent with it too! Does that mean you speak English?

Reika: Yup and taking photos isn't my only gift.

Kaoru: You know American Sign Language?

Reika: ...yes I took it in college as an extra credit class. After English of course.

Akiyoshi: Oh yeah that's right! I forgot about that.

Minato: You mean to tell me that she knew English and when Kaoru wasn't here she didn't stop to help me?

Reika: When?

Minato: A couple of weeks ago!

Reika: huh? I didn't know you were having trouble. Maybe I was busy...

Pay back! Hehe next time don't bump into me, spill coffee on me, and then say I did it. You almost ruined my camera!

Authors Note: Sorry guys I was inspired with A New Beginning that I kinda put this on the back burner. So sorry please for give me... I plan on writing more. I tweaked a few things around fit some things in. Ideas are always welcome. Oh and A New Beginning is a My Forged Wedding fanfiction. If your interested I would recommend A Flower Named You by RaineAloisa first only because it what inspired me to write fanfiction and its awesome! Anyway I am going to try to write onr chapter of one of my fanfiction so the next upload for this will probably be Friday. Anyway enjoy your day!

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