Section 1

9.9K 169 16

"Right that's you two up for today."

"Thanks Hugh."

"Oh and make sure you two get a shower, we don't want everyone getting radiation poisoning." Hugh dismisses us and me and Jackson head for the showers.

"Thinking about it everyone who works in the Radiation Cabinet are actually the cleanest people in Dauntless." Jackson's voice comes through the little microphone in my helmet, I nod my head at his comment as it is true anyone who works in the Radition Cabinet must have a shower before entering the Dauntless compound as we are infected even though we wear protective suits.

We make our way up the steel stairs towards the door that will lead us into the main weapons bay room, Jackson taps the 4 digit code of 1645 into the door and it immediately opens. As we go through a spray of mist covers our bodies before the door shuts itself again, Jackson and I walk through the large area past the different weapon stations before we go up another flight of steel stairs that go over the large area. Just as we're about to get into the shower room Mick stops us, Mick is the most annoying man in the whole world and he absolutely hates us probably because we act up all the time but Hugh (The Boss of the place) doesn't seem to mind as we're his favourites.

"Any reports?" He pulls out a pen and a clip board and looks at us both.

"No not really just that the Radio Active erm errrrrr......." I quickly look at Jackson for help I know the word I want but I don't know it!

"Erm Scale?"

"Yes! Scale, the Radio Active Scale was being a bit weird at times but we told the guys to keep an eye on it." Mick nods and walks past us both with out another word.

"What's his problem!" Jackson exclaims opening the door to the shower room for me.

"I know right!" I walk through the door and he follows.

The sound of running water hits me when the door shuts, I go over to my assigned locker and take out my clothes and some shower gel. Then I take off my protective suit leaving me in a black vest top and black leggings, I don't like wearing a lot when I'm in the Radiation Cabinet it gets way too warm especially with the suit. I shove the stuff I don't need in my locker and lock it, so no one like Jackson can get in and take my stuff. I go over to the showers and swipe my card at the scanner and the door opens making a beeping sound.

I step in and take my clothes off putting them in the steel box on the inside of the door so they don't get wet, I take my hair out of my bun and let it fall loosely. I hear a high, girly scream from the shower next to me and instantly laugh "Jackson! Cold shower!?" I shout over.

"You got that right!" He shouts back, I laugh a little to myself before I turn my shower on standing away from it until it gets warm. Anyone who doesn't know mine and Jackson's relationship would defiantly think we're together but we're just close friends. Me and Jackson met last year when we both transferred, him from Candor and me from Amity so we've known each other for quite some time.


The water in my shower stops meaning my shower time has finish it lasts for approximately 10 minutes, but I've found it lasts for 10 minutes 10 seconds (I'm very precise with time). I dry myself off and put on my black vest top and leggings, I put the black towel around my shoulders so my hair doesn't dampen my clothes to much.

I step out of the shower cubicle and go over to the mirrors flinging my bag on the desk bit in front of them. I stare at myself in the mirror, my dark blue wavy hair falls loosely to just past my chest. My large, dark blue eyes stare at me while I stare back at my reflection, my light brown skin seems lighter in this light I try moving around to see what the different lights do to the colour of my skin. "Nadine?" I turn around to see Jackson staring at me with a strange look on his face I laugh at him and turn around and pick up my bag and look for my brush.

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