A loud alarm blares through Weapons Bay, I'm currently in Hugh's office eating his secret chocolates as he looks through some paper work. He stands up immediately looking at me confusion all over his face, I place the chocolates on his desk feeling quite upset that I didn't get to have my favourite one. I jog out of office right behind Hugh, panic seeping in.
Red lights are flashing everywhere, the noise is awful! "What's happening!?" I shout over to Hugh.
"It's the Radiation alarm! Something must have went wrong!" Hugh shouts back. Jackson and Uriah head over to us covering their ears.
"It's the fan!" Jackson bellows over all the noise.
"Of course it is!" I exclaim loudly, why didn't I think of that ages seconds ago!
"Jackson, Nadine! In my office! Uriah go and inform Max or at least one of the Leaders! David! Evacuate the cabinet!" Hugh shouts, David who was near us runs over to the cabinet main door pressing some sought of emergency button. Uriah runs off up the steel stairs and me and Jackson sprint into Hugh's office.
Hugh sits behind his desk, his jaw clenched. Me and Jackson stand looking at him, he looks at us both in disbelief. "You know what it means if radiation gets into the compound." Hugh says his voice deep. We both nod, a sick feeling brewing in my stomach, we'll all die.
"What's wrong with it?" Jackson says his voice shaky. Hugh opens a draw next to him, bringing out a tablet. He taps on a few things and then turns the screen around for both of us to see.
"This is, what you could call the fan's 'heart'. As you can see its dis-aligned, don't ask me why as I don't know. But because it's dis-aligned the fan won't work, it's fully out of line now so the energy won't pass through it so the fan as I said won't work and do its job." Hugh sighs, he looks awful, sweat is forming on his bald head.
"What can we do?" Jackson asks looking determined.
Hugh shakes his head, "Its a suicide mission." I shake my head,
"Tell us what we have to do, we are Dauntless we're supposed to protect people Hugh!" I say leaning over and banging my hand on the desk.
"Someone will have to go in and push it back into place." Hugh exclaims, Jackson scoffs.
"How is that a suicide mission?" Jackson says confidently, now Hugh scoffs.
"It's just radiation in there, strong radiation. You'll die!" Hugh says in an whisper. I shake my head and look down at the floor, the alarm is still blaring.
"Where is it?" Hugh shakes his head, "Hugh! Where the hell is it!?" I demand looking at him.
"You have to go into the training room, there's a dark black door. You have to go through that and down lots of stairs, then you'll be in a big room, which will be crammed with pipes and then you'll have to type a code into a glass door which will shut behind you and then go through another door. Then crawl through a tunnel then you'll be in the room." I nod my head, tons of things bouncing in my head.
We've got to do this.I grab a walkie-talkie from Hugh's desk, Jackson looks at me confused. "We'll communicate with you with this, so you can direct us around. Jackson you don't have to do this, but I am." I state to him.
Jackson shakes his head, "I'm doing this with you." I smile but it fades, I could die. We could die.
"I can't let you do this." Hugh says but I shake my head.
"Shut up, how long do we have until the radiation gets into the compound?" I ask Hugh sternly.
"From now, about 30 minutes to an hour. It will take an hour for the whole compound to be infected." I sigh loudly. I place my hand out in front of me, Hugh looks at it then shakes it firmly. Jackson salutes a smirk on his face, then he leaves his office, I nod in Hugh's direction and then I leave.

Radio Active
Fanfiction17 year old Nadine transferred a year ago to Dauntless from Amity to leave the awful memories that haunt her and the hatred from her younger sister. She becomes close to a certain Dauntless Leader who she had a crush on during initiation, so everyt...