I leave Jackson in the shower room, I would have waited for him but I need to meet Eric for dinner. I walk up the stairs that lead up to the compound at a quick pace, much quicker than my usual pace which is as slow as my mind.
Once I reach the large door I type the code 1645 into it, I would usually swipe my card but today the door demands other wise. Most of the doors in weapons bay have the same code (1645) I really don't know why, but I think it needs to be changed, anyone could get in. I push the large black door open and step through letting the door shut it self, loudly. I walk fast through the two corridors and over the chasm before I each the cafeteria, I stand in the door way, scanning the large space.
It's about 3/4 full so it's not absolutely heaving but it's still loud, I look straight to the leaders table and to my surprise Eric isn't there. I look at the table I sit at, he isn't there either but thankfully Tash is there with Page which makes me feel a little better that she's with someone. I scan the cafeteria one more time before giving up, where is he?
I leave the stone archway and walk over the chasm walking past a few people who either smile or just ignore me completely. I go through a corridor and then turn right into another, this one isn't as light as the other ones, the lights must be getting less energy because of the power loss we had a few days ago. I reach the end of the corridor and walk into someone, I mutter sorry under my breath but I'm suddenly pushed into the wall.
I gasp as the wind is knocked out of my body, I look up at the person who is ruffly holding me and to no surprise it's Vince. He smiles at me with a sadistic smile and I huff out, "What do you want?" I say in the most intimidating voice I can muster. He holds both of my wrists on the wall behind me while he looks me up and down,
"You know what I want." I feel sick,
"Leave me alone Vince." I say angrily but he just laughs in my face, his legs are apart so I kick him in between the legs. He grunts but he doesn't let go of my wrists, great.
"You little bitch!" He slaps me in the face so hard I fall to the ground my hands breaking the fall. I try to get up but Vince pulls my hair so I fall backwards, I scream and kick Vince's shin. He falls to the floor and begins to punch my stomach, I get up onto my knees and punch him in the face. Vince falls back and I straddle him on the floor and punch him in the face over and over again. Suddenly his leg kicks me in the side making me fall on the floor allowing Vince to straddle me.
He punches me like I was punching him. I reach out to punch him but he grabs my arm and pulls me up and gets off me at the same time, he turns me around and puts me in a head lock. I feel blood tickle down my face but it doesn't fase me at this moment in time.
One of Vince's hands finds its way under my top and up to my chest. He laughs sadistically as he touches me, anger builds up in my body. I sink my teeth into his arm around my neck as hard as I can, I taste blood but I don't stop. Vince shouts out and rips his arm out of my mouth, before he pushes me onto the floor. I quickly get up and run towards him throwing a punch into his stomach, he stumbles back. He lunges at me and pushes me ruffly into the wall, my head smacks onto the wall with a horrendous crack. I scream out in pain and hold my head with my hands as I fall to the ground my vision going blurry, I hear footsteps coming towards me. I curl up into a ball to protect my most vulnerable parts, I feel a hand on my shoulder and I squeeze my eyes shut.
"Nadine?" I here a manly voice say, I recognise it but I don't know exactly who it is. I open my eyes and make out a tanned man with brown hair and chiseled features, Four.
"Four." I croak out trying to sit up but think against the idea because of the pain.
"Whoa! Don't try and get up, I'll help." I feel Fours hands around me as he lifts me up, I stand on my feet Four supporting me.

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Fanfiction17 year old Nadine transferred a year ago to Dauntless from Amity to leave the awful memories that haunt her and the hatred from her younger sister. She becomes close to a certain Dauntless Leader who she had a crush on during initiation, so everyt...