"Are you gonna put any clothes on?" I say sarcastically to Tash while we get ready for the ceremony. She's wearing a black crop top with a tight skirt that goes just over her backside, so she's wearing the least amount of clothes as possible.
"Your just jealous because you don't look like me." Tash puts her hands under he chest and pushes up, I laugh and look away from her and carry on putting my winged eyeliner on.
I'm wearing the black dress I bought with Tash a few weeks ago with my black and blue high heeled trainers. That's about it except from my black watch but that's just for time purposes obviously.
Tash comes and stands next to me applying some red lipstick while I apply dark blue lipstick. "I know you and your sister don't see eye to eye but do you want her to pass?" Tash says after applying her lipstick.
"Yeah I do, no matter what she's my sister." I get up from the seat in front of the mirror.
*Knock Knock*
I go over to the door but it opens whacking me off my feet, "Partayyy! Time!" I know instantly that it's Jackson. "Nadine what are you doing?" Jackson stands over me his hands on his hips and his head tipped to the side.
"What does it look like!?" I say back, he opens his mouth to reply but I beat him to it, "Don't answer that. Help me get up." I hold out my hand and Jackson takes it pulling me up to my feet.
"Is everyone ready? It starts in 10 minutes and I want a good view." Jackson says looking at the clock on the wall.
"Yeah I'm ready now, do I look okay?" Tash spins in the middle of the room showing us her whole outfit.
"Yeah you look great." I say to her smiling and Jackson nods.
"Good and Nadine if you don't pull today you'll be forever alone." Tash laughs and I'm not sure if I should take that as a compliment or not.
We sit in the dining hall and look up at the balcony where the Leaders will appear and then show the rankings of the initiates. Its 18:55 so five more minutes before it starts, I look over to the initiates and they all look nervous, I can't blame them as I was nearly being sick but thankfully I came 5th so I wander cut.
The hall is full of all the Dauntless members, it's extremely loud of people laughing, talking and shouting. I love the atmosphere but I certainly hurts my head. I prefer a more quiet peaceful atmosphere, were I can think but that's just the Amity in me.
Three loud bangs come from a gong and everyone becomes quiet, not too quickly but it does quieten only whispers and sniggers arising. I look up to the balcony and see Max walk up and put his two hands on the rail, looking over all of us, a slight smile on his face. Eric stands to his right a long with Kerry, the only female Dauntless leader, she's about 25 I think. Tony and Lee (The other two Leaders) to Max's left.
"Listen up! Today is the day we announce our new Dauntless members!" Max says pausing while the Dauntless make a loud hoot. "I can't really be bothered to do a big speech but the initiates this year have worked extremely hard and the ones who have made it through will be great additions to us," Another hoot, "I won't keep you initiates waiting. Show the scores!" I look over to the large screen and await for the ranks to be shown.
They flash on to the screen and I look to the first rank,
1- Tris,
She came from Abnegation there's been a lot of talk about her because she was doing well really well during initiation especially for a stiff.I scan through the names until I reach number 7,
7- Penny,
I breath out heavily as she's through and she has done well considering that she hand points took off her. "ENJOY DAUNTLESS!" Max shouts and everyone begins to shout and bang tables, I only join in with some of the shouting.I look over to the new Dauntless members, they're all smiling and shouting but there are a few faces that look sad, there's a girl crying. They are the factionless ones now, I hate that rule it's awful but it's not in my hands. A man goes over to them, saying something to them I can't make out but they get up and leave sadness on their faces.
I look away from them deciding that I don't want to be depressed right now. I look to Tash and to my surprise she's now with Alex eating his face, and Jackson is gone probably looking for Sarah so I guess it's just me and my thoughts now.
The bar is crowed with people. I found Jackson and Tash and we're now sitting on one of those round tables next to the dance floor. Jackson, who is sitting next to me, is trying to chat up Sarah, going from my observations I think it's working. Tash is with Alex, making out of course, so I'm sitting her like the toe I am, sipping at my drink of apple cider.
The music is rattling the floor as everyone dances rubbing themselves against each other, I take another sip of my drink when a guy comes over to our table looking at me. He's got bright green hair and a lip piercing, "Hey, are you Nadine?" He says loudly over the music, I nod. "This is for you." He hands over a white piece of paper, I take it off him slowly, like its a bomb or something.
"Who's it from?" I shout to him,
He shrugs, "I don't know" He walks away back onto the dance floor.
I open the note it reads;
Meet me on the third carriage at 20:00.
It's cold bring a jacket.I read over the message a few times, this is weird I don't even know who wrote it. It could be a murderer for all I know! But I don't have anything better to do, I look at my watch and it's 19:30 I have 30 minutes. I get up from my seat and walk away from my friends who don't notice my departure or if they do they don't make it apparent.
I walk through compound quickly to get to my apartment. There's groups of people dotted around the place drinking and laughing, I walk past them all like a ghost. I don't want to be noticed. I haven't spotted any of the initiates, there probably all in the bar getting drunk and dancing like idiots.
I arrive at my apartment and open it, I look at the coat hanger thats nailed onto the wall. I decide to wear my black hoodie, I quickly put it on and decide not to zip it up just yet. I peer down at my wrist watch and it 19:40, I change my shoes to some black ankle boots and leave my apartment.
I walk down the stairs and through the compound a bit and then I walk over the chasm where a few people are drinking, which I think is a very stupid idea but they can do as they wish.
I walk past them quickly and turn to the left, I think I'm going the right way. I walk through the dark, cold corridors a bit more when I come to some steps that I have to walk up.It takes me about 5 minutes to walk up the stairs as I'm pretty tired for some reason. I open the large, steel, heavy door and push myself through, I'm right on the platform. There's a cold breeze making me zip up my hoodie, I'm glad 'they', who ever 'they' is, told me to wear a jacket it's freezing. I walk closer to the edge of the platform and look at my watch it 19:56, 4 minutes.
I don't think this person is a murderer, if they were they wouldn't have told me to bring a jacket as you would have thought they would want me to freeze to death. But then again, they could be luring me into a false sense of security, so I'm not on guard and then they will slit my throat!
Hopefully it's the first option.The 4 minutes go quickly and before I know a train is coming toward the platform, I walk over to the far edge so I can run along the train onto the 3rd carriage if I remember correctly.
The front of the train passes me and then the end of the first carriage and then the second and then the third. I run along the end of the third one and grab the hand rail on the side and pull myself onto the train, thankfully landing on my feet. It's been awhile since I've done that!
I look around the carriage and I can't see anyone, I haven't been set up have I? Or did I get on the wrong carriage? Or, is the murderer creeping up on me slowly knife in hand?

Radio Active
Fanfiction17 year old Nadine transferred a year ago to Dauntless from Amity to leave the awful memories that haunt her and the hatred from her younger sister. She becomes close to a certain Dauntless Leader who she had a crush on during initiation, so everyt...