Section 15

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I walk away from Eric's apartment in a daze I literally don't know what to do right now! He kissed me, Eric kissed me! I don't even know why it happened but what I do flipping know is he kissed me.

I stumble down the stairs to my apartment level, he was so gentle not what I expected a kiss with him would be like. There was no tongue but still! I'm covered in goose bumps and I feel pretty giddy, I need to tell Tash she'll love this!

I walk extremely fast to my door and try to open it but it's locked, that's strange, Tash never locks the door unless she's not in of course. I get my keys out of my pocket a bright smile on my face, I unlock the door and step in the smell of alcohol taking over my senses.

I look around my apartment, the wooden table we have in the middle of the room is tipped over and there's glass all over the floor, I look at the wall to see a few dents dotted in odd places. "Tash? What the hell has happened!?" I say loudly so she can here where ever she is, I step across the floor careful not to stand on the glass.

Tash appears from the kitchen and the smile on my face vanishes, her eyes are black with mascara, streaked black lines come from her eyes. I look at her hands and they're covered in dried and fresh blood, I step towards her careful with my movement. "Tash, wh...... what's happened?" I get out in a worried tone, she looks at me her whole face drooping with sadness.

"Al..... Alex....." She begins to cry and she falls to the floor her head in her hands while she wails, she lands in the glass and I flinch, but she doesn't react. I go over to her and kneel down, I put my hand on the floor to get my balance but I put it on a sharp piece of glass. I yelp, biting my lip hard looking at my hand, it's started to bleed it looks like it's went in pretty deep.

I huff and put my other hand on Tash's shoulder, "Tash?" I say quietly, she looks up at me and she begins to cry again.

"He..... he...." She begins but starts to whimper,

"What did he do?" I urge her on gently,

"Broke......up." I nod my head so she knows I understand, her and Alex broke up. They were together since initiation and they were very close, I wonder what happened? But I best not tell her about mine and Eric's kiss.

I stand up from my kneeling position and grab Tash with my good hand, "Come on we're going to the infirmary." She doesn't protest which surprises me but I know she doesn't want to go. Tash goes over to our coat rack and grabs a black hoodie, putting it on and lifting the hood up so no one can see her. I open our door and let her go out first, I shut and lock the door and put my arm around Tash and guide her to the infirmary.


I lie in bed wide awake, a sleeping Tash next to me. We went to the infirmary and I got the glass out of my hand and a bandage and Tash just got cleaned up, the odd piece of glass took out of her knees and hands. She told me that Alex was cheating on her and she caught them in his apartment and they had this big argument and then he broke up with her saying that he loved this girl more. So she came back to our apartment and blew up.

I haven't even cleaned up the apartment as I was giving all my attention to Tash, I just want to sleep but I have so much running through my head and it's mostly what happened with Eric. He kissed me and I wasn't even expecting it! He was so gentle and I can't help but smile to myself about how it felt, it gave me a tingling feeling that I can't explain but I want to experience it again.


I open my eyes wide, to be met with not much, the dim light from the clock next to the bed lightens up the room slightly. I shift in the bed carful not to wake Tash, I look at the clock on the side and it's 05:03, I huff and swing myself out of the bed. I'm wearing the clothes I was wearing yesterday, I want to go back to sleep but I'm really awake so I decide to clean up the apartment.

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