The Demented Attack

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To say it had been the worst summer for Harry and I was to put it very lightly. Nightmares had haunted the both of us. Our memories, making us relive the darkest moments of last year. The rising of Voldemort, and our classmate and friend Cedric Diggory's death. Today was the hottest day of the summer by far. Harry and I were miserable having to only be around each other.

That's not to say we didn't love each other, because we did, very much. It's just that when you're the only people in the world that you can talk to, specially as we were now finding our independence as teenagers, being 15 years old now. You, sort of, get short with each other, rather quickly I might add. Though, things certainly felt different for us. When Harry would get mad, I would. If I got mad, he would. It was like we fed off each other, making things escalate much more than they needed to. Our connection had always been rather strange and strong, but now it felt like it was trying to rip us apart. We always tried to make sure to apologize whenever we realized we were in the wrong.

On top all that, we hadn't received a single letter from our friends. We hadn't had a single scrap of news all summer about what was happening in the wizarding world. We felt alone, and in the dark. I was especially angry at Ronald Weasley. He's certainly not the most reliable when it comes to writing letter's, but I hadn't received a single one. He kissed me at the barrier of platforms 9 and 10 last year. Promising to write. I hoped, maybe, we could finally figure out where this was going. But I got nothing.

Being that it was the hottest day, Harry and I hated being cooped up inside. Plus it made us both a bit more irritable with each other. So we had decided to go for a walk, enjoy the fresh hot air. We took our wands just in case, you never know I suppose, when Voldemort could be lurking around the corner. On our walk it took us down Magnolia Crescent, as usual, to the small park. It was usually filled with children laughing and playing happily. But because the sun burned so hot today, hardly anyone was out. And the park was empty.

Harry wore his jeans, sneakers and a blue tee shirt. A fresh hair cut that he had actually let me give him. I wore a simple short sleeve sundress, with a pair of capri leggings underneath since Aunt Petunia had thrown a fit. And my sneakers as well. We both sat on the swings in silence, simply enjoying each other the best way we knew how, as of right now. Silently. The park did start to fill with laughter, but it wasn't the enjoyable kind. Dudley and his gang of friends came barreling over, joyfully laughing about some kid.

"Hey, D." I called out to him as he stared at Harry and I. "Have fun beating up another 10 year old?" I asked sarcastically.

"This one deserved it." Dudley sneered.

"Yeah." His four friends agreed behind him. I tried to ignore the stares as they looked me up and down hungrily.

"Five against one. Very brave." Harry retorted.

"Well, you're one to talk." Dudley shot back. "Moaning in your sleep every night. At least I'm not afraid of my pillow." Dudley and his friends laughed. "Don't kill, Cedric! Who's Cedric, your boyfriend?"

"Shove a cork in it, Dudley." I growled.

"You think you don't, as well?" Dudley scoffed. "He's going to kill us, Mum! Where is your Mum? Where is your Mum, Potter? She dead? Is she dead?" Dudley said smugly, making his friends crack with laughter.

"Whoa!" His friends called out.

Harry and I both knew he had crossed a line, talking about our mother like that. The both of us got up as if our legs moved of their own free will. I felt like I was seeing straight red. My hand reached for my wand hidden in my pocket and I held it against his throat. I hadn't even noticed Harry had done the same thing next to me. Our actions only made Dudley's friends laugh even harder as if were were pointing mere sticks at him. Dudley, however, gulped in fear.

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