Number Twelve: Grimmauld Place

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Harry and I stood ready to fight off the potential intruders as the key to our bedroom door, fell to the floor. A quick flash of bright white light occurred and we both blinked through it. There were several silhouettes in the hallway of our home, and our owls squawked as the door swung open.

    "Very clean, these muggles." A woman's voice whispered.

    "Tonk's, for God's sake!" A familiar voice growled. Professor Moody, was the owner of that voice.


The woman named Tonks, walked through the door with her wand lit. She had purple hair, which I immediately loved. Professor Moody stuck his head around the corner and grinned at Harry and I. Our wands lowered to our sides in surprise.

    "Professor Moody?" Harry and I said in unison.

    "What are you doing here?" Harry asked.

    "Rescuing you two, of course." Moody stated simply.

Tonks, Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Hestia Jones, and Dedulas Diggle had come to rescue Harry and I. They all trudged back down the stairs, with Harry and I right behind them. As we got to the front door, Harry and I pushed our way towards the front, walking right behind Professor Moody. When he opened up the front door, we all piled out of the Dursley's home.

    "Um, excuse me, Professor? But, where are we going?" I asked curiously.

    "The letter said we'd both been expelled from Hogwarts." Harry pointed out, confused.

    "Well, you haven't been. Not yet." Moody turned and looked at the man walking up behind us. "Kingsley, you take point."

    "But the letter said..." I frowned argumentatively.

    "Dumbledore has persuaded the Minister to suspend your expulsions pending a formal hearing." Kingsley explained to the both of us.

    "A hearing?" Harry and I asked together. Kingsley nodded at us.

We stood in a line, in the street of Privet Drive, in the night. Harry and I were clueless as to what was happening or where they were planning on taking us.

    "Don't worry, Harry, Olivia. We'll explain everything when we get back to headquarters." Tonks smiled reassuringly at us.

    "SHHH!" Moody hissed quickly. "Not here, Nymphadora!"

    "Don't call me Nymphadora!" She hissed back, making her purple hair suddenly change to bright orange.

    "Wicked." I grinned at her. She snapped out of her glare at Moody and smiled brightly at me.

    "I assume you know how to ride a broom, Miss Potter?" Moody asked.

    "Uh, yes?" I replied confused.

Moody nodded and tapped his staff on the ground. Broom's flew over to us all one by one. Harry's Firebolt landed in his hands and a old Nimbus 2000 fell into mine. We all stood holding our broomsticks and Professor Moody looked around at us all.

    "Stay in formation, everyone. Don't break ranks if one of us is killed." Professor Moody growled. Harry and I both turned to look at him wide eyed.

We all mounted our brooms and flew off into the night sky, staying in the formation line we started in. We flew high into the cloud bank and finally lowered as we flew over London. I looked around positively amazed. Harry grinned at me and I smiled back at him. This was easily the most fun we'd had all summer, beside the dangerous possibility of being killed. It felt so nice to have the wind in my hair, the night air was cooler than it had been earlier in the day. We flew down towards the water, swerving in between the many boats docked in the harbor. Tonks smiled at the both of us, as we headed straight for a moving ferry boat. She grinned and swerved one way, making Harry and I laugh while we moved to the other side.

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