Just a Couple of Nutter's

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When the Great Hall let out Harry and I separated from our friends and walked back to the Gryffindor common room together. I knew Harry was much to invested inside whatever was going through his head at the moment. I pulled out the note from my pocket. Luckily he didn't write his name on it anyway, so it wouldn't matter if anyone saw it.

Meet me tonight on the Astronomy Tower at 11 pm.

I folded the note back up and placed it in my pocket again. We got to our destination and the Fat Lady looked down at us.


"Err..." Harry and I mumbled and looked at each other. Clearly we weren't paying attention when they told us the password.

"No password, no admittance." She sternly said to us.

"Wait!" Neville's voice echoed behind us. He jogged up with a grin across his face. "I know it. And I'll actually be able to remember it this year!" Neville's said excitedly. "It's Mimbulus Mimbletonia!" He proudly showed us his plant and the Fat Lady nodded.

"Correct." She stated and the door opened.

The three of us walked into the doorway. Neville took a seat near his friends and we received many more stares from the other Gryffindor's. A good portion of them had the Daily Prophet in their hands and the happy chatter dulled to a whisper, and then became nonexistent the further we walked into the room. Two of our friends since we had come here stared at us the hardest.

"Hello, Dean, Seamus." I greeted them both near the stairs to the dormitories. They sat there with papers in their hands at the table closest to us.

"Hi, Olivia." Dean greeted me back cautiously.

"Dean, Seamus, good holiday?" Harry asked the two politely.

"All right." Dean answered again and looked back at his best friend. "Better than Seamus' anyway."

"Oh." I said nervously. "What, uh, happened?" I asked, pursing my lips together anxiously.

Seamus glared at the both of us and stood up abruptly, tossing down the paper on the table.

"Me mam didn't want me to come back this year." Seamus spat. I frowned at his tone and I felt the rush of anger vaguely fill me up. We were both trying too be polite, there was no reason to get hostile.

"Why not?" Harry replied curiously. Doing his best to stay polite as possible.

"Uh, Let me see, eh, because of the two of you." Seamus said angrily. That was it, the pot bubbled over in an instant.

"Let me guess, because of the Daily Prophet?" I asked through gritted teeth and pointed at the paper he'd thrown onto the table.

"The Daily Prophet's been saying a lot of things about you both, Olivia, Harry. And about Dumbledore as well." Seamus explained as though that justified anything.

Every head in the room turned to look at us all. Usually i'd try to stop something like this so it wouldn't escalate in front of other's eyes and ears, but I simply didn't care.

"What, and your Mum believes them?" Harry scoffed angrily.

"Well, no body was there the night that Cedric died." Seamus shot back.

"So that automatically proves for us to be liars then?" I scoffed heavily.

"Well, I guess you should just read the Prophet then, like your stupid Mother. It'll tell you everything you need to know!" Harry spat.

"Don't you dare talk about my mother like that!" Seamus shouted.

"We'll have a go at anyone that calls us liars!" I shouted back. Before I knew it my wand was in my hand, out of my pocket, pointed at Seamus.

The Potter Twins: Book 5Where stories live. Discover now