New School Year Means, New Trouble

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We spent the rest of the month at Headquarters with our friends. Mainly doing a lot of cleaning of the old house. We couldn't have been more excited to head back to Hogwarts. We were always excited but having that moment of doubt that we'd ever return really made us, Harry especially, appreciate it even more. The Order escorted us to The Hogwarts Express. Harry and I walked next to each other while the others surrounded us. Suddenly a small bark echoed from next to us. When we looked down, the all to familiar shaggy black dog was walking beside us. He scampered further ahead of us and we followed.

"Padfoot." Moody scolded. "Are you barking mad? You'll blow the entire operation!"

He walked into an empty waiting room and changed back into himself. Harry and I quickly followed in behind him and shut the door.

"Sirius what are you doing? I'm glad you're here, but if someone sees you..." I said worriedly.

"Well, I had to see you two off, didn't I." Sirius grinned. He really hated being cooped up inside that house. He gestured for us to both come closer and we took a row of seats next to each other. We could see the silhouette of the order members, stationed outside the door. "What's life without a little risk?"

"We don't want to see you get shut back in Azkaban." Harry explained worriedly.

"Oh, don't worry about me. Anyway..." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a picture. "I wanted the two of you to have this."

Harry took the picture as he was right next to Sirius with me on Harry's other side. He unfolded the picture and we both looked at it. It was a large group of people, including our parents, Sirius, Lupin, and Mad Eye Moody.

"Whoa." I held the corner of the picture as I examined it. "What is this? We've never seen this picture before."

"This my dear Olivia, is the Original Order of the Phoenix." Sirius smiled softly as he explained. "Marlene McKinnon. She was killed two weeks after this was taken. Voldemort wiped out her entire family. That's Frank and Alice Longbottom."

"Neville's Mum and Dad?" I gasped.

"They suffered a fate worse than death, if you ask me." Sirius said sadly. "It's been 14 years... and still a day doesn't go by that I don't miss your Dad."

"Do... Do you really think there's going to be a war, Sirius?" Harry asked cautiously. Sirius nodded gently and gave us both a gentle look.

"It feels like it did before." Harry tried to push the photo back into his hands. "No, no, you two keep it." Sirius said kindly. "Anyway, I suppose you're the young ones now."

"I'm going to miss you, Sirius." I sighed.

He gave us both a sad look, knowing he had selfishly wished we would have gotten expelled, for we could have come to live with him then. Sirius stood up to his feet and gave each of us an individual meaningful hug. Harry and I walked through the crowd of students and parents saying their goodbye, to get on the train. The whistle blew it's warning, and smoke filled the air. We continued to walk down and I noticed a man standing still at the end of the aisle. Wearing a black suit and his pale face and bald head staring right right at us. Harry and I both froze seeing Voldemort standing there.

His head twitched and I could hear the whispering of Parseltongue in my own head. When he twitched I felt like I needed to as well.

"Did you..." I whispered.

"Yea." Harry nodded quickly.

I couldn't help the feeling of being crazy that surrounded me. Like I was seeing things. If Harry had said he hadn't of seen it too, I would have absolutely thought so. We got on the train and found the compartment that had Ron and Hermione already inside. They both gave us a sort of sympathetic look and didn't speak. Harry took a seat next to the window on one side, and I did the same on the other. Ron decided to sit next to me as usual, and this time he may much closer. I leaned my head against the window and took a deep breath, letting the cool glass cool me down.

The Potter Twins: Book 5Where stories live. Discover now