Christmas Holiday

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I was having the most wonderful dream about Ron. Confessing our feeling's, being so over joyed and jumping into each other's arms. Welcoming the long awaited kiss that I'd been so desperate to feel again. The urge to finally call him mine just hanging there in front of me, like bait. He was suddenly ripped away from my arms and I called out for him, but no help came. Then, everything started to change.

I felt strangely powerful, an flexible, gliding along the floor on my belly. Seeing the strange door once again, along with the reflection of my self against the smooth black bricks that lined the walls. Sirius's voice echoed inside my brain.

    "Voldemort may be after something. Something he didn't have last time."

    "Olivia. Harry." Voldemort's voice beckoned, reaching out like he was a friend, going to take our hand and guide us somewhere.

Shelves were lined with blueish gray orbs, numbered down the aisles. A man with red hair, walked up and down them, holding up his lit wand in the dark of the room. I realized it was Mr. Weasley, but as my tongue tasted the air, I suddenly had this urge to bite him. It was like an internal struggle, I tried to resist, something else was telling me not to because I was on a mission. It was like four voices in my head, struggling against one another and I felt constant struggles of pain coming from at least two sides. All until one voice won over the others. I lunged and jabbed once as Mr. Weasley had turned to look down at me. He fell to the ground and I jabbed at him again. His body shook and his blood was beginning to cover him as I attacked again and again and again.

    "Olivia!" Hermione nearly shouted in my ear. I jerked awake and my scar burned more heavily then it ever had before. I looked at her for a moment and then turned, vomiting off the side of my bed. "Oh, god!" She worried and quickly grabbed a rubbish barrel.

    "Ew." Parvati cringed.

    "The fit stops and being sick starts." Lavender scoffed in disgust. "How gross."

    "She's clearly ill." Ginny shot at her and looked worriedly to Hermione. "I'll go get McGonagall." She rushed out the door before I could say anything else.

    "Hermione." I burped and felt disgusting, hanging my head over the bucket. "M-Mr. Weasley's in trouble."

    "What?" She whispered. "What happened?"

    "I-I saw it, o-or did it, I don't k-know." I whispered back and heaved again. My scar was giving me a massive head ache.

Ginny ran back into the room and ushered for Hermione take me under my other arm. They removed me from my bed and began to drag me out.

    "It's happened to Harry as well." Ginny whispered to Hermione after we left the room.

McGonagall met us down the stairs with Harry and Ron in tow as well as Fred and George.

    "Harry." I whimpered through the tears from feeling so sick.

    "Olivia." He reached out towards me.

    "No time, Potter's. Quickly, to Dumbledore's office." McGonagall ushered us quickly.

Harry and I were both sickly pale, covered head to toe in sweat. Everyone looked at us both, extremely worried. When we reached Dumbledore's office, the Weasley's were all forced to huddle on one side, leaving Harry and I to lean on each other in the middle of the room like an interrogation.

    "In the dream, were you standing next to the victim? Or looking down at the scene?" Dumbledore asked, without looking at either of us, his back turned towards us. I felt surprised that he would ask such a thing.

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