Professor Potter

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"All right... eh, so we should start simple first. See how you all do with the disarming charm, Expelliarmus. Okay? So, let's form a line over here and Harry and I will get out one of the dummy's." I took charge quickly and everyone seemed to listen.

"Great job, Liv." Harry grinned at me and I chuckled.


Harry and I set up the dummy to look like a death eater, placing a fake wooden wand, donated by Fred and George in it's hand. When we turned around a line had been made, and first up was Neville Longbottom. Harry and I took a place on either side of Neville, and the dummy raised it's hand.

"So, the incantation is Expelliarmus. Makes sure to hold your wands firmly in your grasp when casting the spell." Harry reminded every one. "Go on, Neville."

"Expelliarmus!" Neville shouted. His own wand, flew from his hand backwards, down the line of students that all ducked. "I'm hopeless." Neville said glumly.

"Oh, no, Neville. That was good, you just are flourishing your wand to much." I assured him and took out my own.

"See, you stand firmly, hand tight over the end of the wand, and give it a quick flick. Try it like this, Expelliarmus!" Harry cast quickly. The flick of his wand, made the fake wand disappear from the dummy's hand. The other's oo'd in amazement.

"You'll please copy the approved text four times to ensure maximum retention." Umbridge said during on of our DADA classes. "There'll be no need to talk."

"No need to think's more like it." Hermione whispered annoyed, while we wrote down the notes. I snickered softly.

"Wands away!" Umbridge called out.

Neville was in the back of the room, wand out to the side slightly practicing the wand motions for Expelliarmus. He quickly placed the wand back in his pocket.

At our next practice, we had started needing to be more careful as we were all tailed by Mr. Filch and Mrs. Norris. We had all gathered inside and I was rather happy to take the lead on this one.

"The spell we are going to be showing you today, is the stunning spell. The pronunciation of the spell is Stupefy. Stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal. As it stuns your enemy temporarily." I claimed brightly. Our classmates were lined up across from one another, making a aisle for us to all practice in.

"She's right. It's a wizards bread and butter, really. So, um, I'll go first then?" Harry looked at me and I gestured my hand, letting him know he had the floor. "Nigel, will you join me, please? Give me your best shot."

"Stupefy!" Nigel shouted as Harry willingly stood still.

Harry grunted and went flying back, but so did Nigel. I ran to him and helped the poor kid up.

"That was good, Nigel. Not bad." I appreciatively told him, helping him to his feet.

"All right." Harry groaned slightly as he stood to his feet. Uh, Olivia, how about you and Ron?"

"Okay." I smiled at him and grinned at Ron.

"Don't worry, I'll go easy on you." Ron whispered as he walked up to me.

"Gee, thank, Ronald." I chuckled and shook my head.

"Come on, Ron!" The boys cheered for him, while the girls all giggled.

"One sickle." George bet Fred.

"You're on." Fred whispered back.

Ron and I stood on opposite sides of the room. Ron was busy giving nods to the boys and I rolled my eyes, putting up my wand. Ron looked at me and grinned, slightly moving his mouth to cast the spell.

The Potter Twins: Book 5Where stories live. Discover now