Defense Against The Dark Arts

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I felt like I was slithering through the hallways in the Ministry of Magic. I had no idea why I was here, or what i was even looking at. It was like a door with a big golden knob on it. My name echoed alongside Harry's and I tried to fight the voice, knowing exactly who it belonged too. Voldemort. Suddenly it was like he was there in front of me with his hand outstretched. I jumped and woke in bed, a cold sweat covering me. It was just another nightmare. Most of the room was cleared out, besides Hermione. She gave me a soft smile and I tried to give her one back. I could tell she was biting her tongue not to ask about the dream.

"So, what happened last night? You came back in to bed late." Hermione asked as we headed to class, with Harry and Ron by our side.

    "Nothing important." I shook my head. "Just went up to the Astronomy Tower to get some air."

    "What had you all upset?" Ron asked curiously. "You seemed fine after you left, until you came back raging mad again."

    "I wasn't raging." I scoffed at him.

    "You were." Harry nodded in agreement. "Someone else peeve you off about, being a liar, like Seamus?"

    "It was Lavender." Hermione explained.

    "Yeah, walked in to my bedroom, everything went quiet. Lavender decided to open her ugly mouth and say that I was basically an attention seeking princess who was lying about everything." I growled at the thought as her words rang through my head again.

"So, Ginny and I jumped in after Livy, here, tried to go after her. I told her to shut her big fat mouth and so did Ginny. We tried to get Liv to leave the room, but she fought us. When we finally did she screamed at us and left in a hurry." Hermione said with a frown. "I want you both to know that Ron and I understand you're going through something, that we can't understand. But we'd appreciate it if you stopped jumping down our throats. In case you haven't noticed, Olivia and Harry. We are on your side."

Harry and I both opened our mouths to speak, but gave ourselves a moment and then looked at them both apologetically.

"We're sorry." Harry and I said in unison guiltily.

"It's quite all right." Hermione grinned at us with dignity.

"Yeah, we get it." Ron smiled. "We'll try to be better from now on too. Okay? Try not to be so codily. We know you can handle yourselves, it's just you don't have too."

"Ron, can I actually talk to you for a moment... Alone?" I asked as we nearly reached the DADA class room.

"Eh, yea, course." He said nervously. Hermione gave him a grin and Harry simply walked away from us.

"I'm sorry." We both blurted out at the same time. "You go first. No, you go first." We argued in unison.

I reached up and placed my hand over his mouth, nearly standing chest to chest and looked up into his eyes.

"I don't want you to apologize for anything. I was being selfish and angry for no reason, even still after knowing it wasn't your fault this summer for not writing to me. I can't even begin to explain what's happening to myself, or Harry for that matter. But I desperately needed to apologize for the way I've been treating you. And I promise to try much harder than I have been to be better to you." I shout out quickly. I felt Ron smile underneath my hand and he reached up to remove it. He pulled it down to our side and held it firmly in his own hand, neither of us moved and we stood close together still chest to chest.

"Yeah, but I should have at least convinced him to let me write you regarding what happened." Ron explained. I was rather surprised he had stuttered nervously once like he usually did. He'd really grown and matured this summer, which only made my heart beat faster. "Not that it would have been easy to explain since, we don't really know what's going on between us." Ron chuckled a bit nervously and I smiled at that.

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