The Hearing

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Getting to sleep was always difficult for me, but being in a strange place, that also smelled musty and old. Had a creepy house elf that walked around and insulted you. Hermione, Ginny and I shared a room as usual, even here in this house. I tossed and turned for a while, until I finally fell asleep.

"Olivia." Voldemort's voice whispered in my head.

"You are herby expelled." Hopkirk's voice rang out, reminding me that I'd never go back to Hogwarts.

"Before the entire Wizenagamot." Mr. Weasley reiterated in my dream.

Before I knew it I was being shaken awake at 5:30 am, by Mrs. Weasley.

"Oh, dear." She tsked as she brushed my hair away from my face. "Did you get any rest, Olivia?" She whispered and sighed.

"Sorry." I whispered back shamefully. "I tried..."

"It's all right, dear. Come. We have to get you dressed for your hearing." She said sweetly.

We left the room and walked towards Harry and Ron's room. Molly went in and wanted me to wait by the door. I did happen to peek in to see Ron sprawled out across the bed, drool hanging from his mouth and he was snoring. I covered my mouth to avoid letting loose the snickers that so desperately wanted to release. Harry got up swiftly as well and we went to have a bit of breakfast. They didn't want us waking any of our friends as it was early, and the swifter we left, the faster we'd come back reinstated as Hogwarts students. Each and everyone of them was sure.

"Now, go put these on." Sirius said quietly. "I assumed you didn't have any court appropriate attire, so I managed to get these for you. What Molly was going to make you wear was atrocious." Sirius whispered to us both. He handed Harry and I each a parcel.

We went into separate rooms down stairs and got changed. Sirius had given me a simple, plain fitted black dress, a silver belt to go on it and black pointed toed shoes. I was positively grateful for what he'd chosen. I put it on and when I walked back into the kitchen, Tonks fussed over my hair. She put it up in a ponytail, with a clip that held it off my neck. I felt like a business woman. Harry came out looking like a proper gentlemen in his suit. Sirius helped him with his tie and molly fussed over his hair, desperately trying to comb it down. But it was no use.

"Now, don't lose your tempers." Sirius reminded us firmly. "Be polite and stick to the facts."

"The law's on your side." Lupin reminded us. "Underage wizards are allowed to use magic in life threatening situations."

"Yeah. Thanks." I nodded gratefully to them all.

"I think we best be off." Mr. Weasley suggested. "We'd be a bit early, but it's better than hanging around here."

"Okay." Harry and I agreed.

"You'll both be all right, Harry an Olivia." Tonks hugged us both as we headed towards the kitchen doorway.

"Good luck." Lupin nodded, giving us each a pat on the arm reassuringly.

"If it doesn't go well... I'll go after the person in charge for ya." Sirius winked, making Harry and I chuckle. Loosening the tenseness we were both feeling.

"We've all go tour finger's crossed." Mrs. Weasley hugged us both and we left with her husband.

Usually, Mr. Weasley would just apparate to work, but since Harry and I weren't of age, he didn't want to make us go through that. Something about the possibility of feeling sick. So we took the visitor's entrance. We all went down the busy escalator's towards the subway trains.

"Trains, underground? Ingenius, these muggles." Mr. Weasley said fascinated, watching the train passengers swipe their cards to get through the barrier.

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