Hagrid's Return and Secret's Revealed

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The Christmas holiday's soon came to an end. Harry and I felt ever so slightly better after our talk with Sirius and knowing we'd be returning to school and Dumbledore's Army. After talking to Ron and confessing our feelings, I should have been ecstatic, and over the moon. Don't get me wrong, I am, partially. But the other part of me can't help but worry about his safety. For all I know Voldemort could be looking through my brain right now, see Ron as an obstacle and harm him in someway. Hell, he could make me harm him for all I know.

But Ron being the true gentlemen and hero of my story, refused to give us up, or let me give up. It was like even though we weren't dating, we were. We snuck secret glances at each other throughout the rest of the holiday. We found times to sneak away to snog, or to just talk. He'd brush by me whenever he got the chance. He seemed to have gained some confidence as he reminded me I was beautiful every single morning. I couldn't have possibly asked for more.

Ron, Hermione and I walked towards the school after retuning to Hogwarts from Hogsmeade station. Harry and gone off and found Cho, walking and talking with her. As we passed the grounds and Ron's hand brushed mine for the millionth time and it was driving me crazy. I gasped and stood dead in my tracks. Ron stopped concerned and laced his hand through mine, clearly using the opportunity as an excuse.

"What's wrong, Livy?' Hermione asked quickly. She searched my face, and became even more confused as a wicked smile crawled across my face.

"Hagrid's back." I grinned and pointed down the grounds towards his hut, seeing smoke billowing out from the chimney for the first time in months.

Ron and Hermione gasped and looked to see I was right. Ron didn't let go of my hand as we ran trhough the crowd in search of my brother.

"Harry!" I called out, looking for his messy mop of black hair. "Harry?!"

"There!" Hermione pointed in the sea of students. She grabbed my other hand and pulled us along through the other kids. "Harry!" She called out, making him and Cho stop walking. "Hagrid's back." She smiled.

Harry's jaw nearly dropped from excitement. He looked at Cho and she gave him a small smile of reassurance.

"I'm sorry." Harry apologized quickly.

The four of us began to run excitedly down the hill towards the Hut, ready to shout his name. But we quickly came to a stop just outside the door, hearing the awful high pitched sound of Umbridge's voice.

"I will say this one last time." She huffed annoyed. "I'm ordering you to tell me where you've been."

We crept up to the window of the hut and peeked up over.

"I told you. I've been away for me health." Hagrid insisted.

"Your health?" Umbridge questioned him and tried to look around Hagrid. Almost seeing the four of us spying. We quickly ducked down out of site again.

"Yeah." Hagrid nodded. "Bit of fresh air, ya know."

"Oh, yes. As Game Keeper, fresh air must be difficult to come by." Umbridge replied sarcastically. Hagrid nearly rolled his eyes at the small pink toad of a woman. "If I were you, I shouldn't get too used to being back. In fact, I mightn't bother unpacking at all."

The door suddenly started to creak open. Harry, Hermione and I manuvered around the house. Ron stood there in plain sight until I reached back around and pulled him over towards us. Umbridge stood at the front of Hagrid's front door taking in a deep breath of fresh air, and began to frown. She sniffed the air a few times and pulled out a bottle of perfume from her pocket, spraying herself and then making an X across the door with it.

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