chapter 6

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    I shivered as I walked down the track. Why'd I agree to come to this? I don't know. Tao noticed my shiver and pulled me into his side. It was nothing romantic, he was totally in love with Elle, he was just being friendly.
    I welcomed his warmth as Charlie ran up to Elle, hugging her, practically squealing about how much he missed her.
    "Um, excuse me, where's our hug?" Tao asked incredulously.
    "I see you guys all the time,"
    "You see Elle all of the time too!"
    Charlie stood there and just shrugged and hugged the rest of us.
    "Hi Charlie,"
    "Hi Y/n, I'm super happy you could make it. Someone else is too," He said, nudging me and I looked over to see Nick. He waved at me and I ran over.
    "Hey, you look good in shorts Nelson,"
    His face turned red, "I'm sure you're loving it l/s,"
    I jokingly looked him up and down, "Hell yeah I am," Nick laughed
    "Don't die out there yeah?"
    Nick laughed, "I won't, promise,"
    "Nick! C'mon!" Harry called to Nick.
    Nick looked behind him, "Yea, I'll be right there,"
    "Here, something for good luck," I took a cord necklace off and put it over Nick's head. Then kissed him in the cheek just for a little extra luck.
    "I, ugh, thank you, y/n, thank you,"
    I smiled, "Of course,"
    "Okay. I've got to go,"
    "K, I'll be watching. Don't embarrass yourself,"
    "I'll try," He responded and looked away. I stared at his retreating figure.
    "Y/n, you gonna stand there and stare or come back over here?" Darcy asked.
    "I think I'll stay here and stare, much better view huh Darc?" I retorted, walking back to them as Tao made gagging noises. I slapped his arm.
    The other team came out and my mouth fell open.
    "One they're hot, two… are they supposed to be so old?" I commented.
    "I don't know,"
    The whistle blew and the game started.
    "Does anyone remember the rules of rugby?" Tao asked. Everyone said no in unison.
    After a little it started raining and I huddled next to Isaac who was reading his book under his umbrella. The rain made the grass slippery and they was much more falling.
    After about five minutes Charlie hit the ground hard and curled into a fetal position. The whistle blew.
    "Okay, match over! The rains making it too dangerous!" The coach called out.
     The boys walked off the field as Nick and Riley helped Charlie. Riley walked with Charlie to the nurses office as Nick walked towards us, totally soaked.
    "Anyone want a hug?" He asked with his arms out wide. We all grimaced and said no.
    "Oh come on! No one? Y/n? Come here," He said, grabbing me from under Isaac's umbrella, who just laughed.
    I squealed as he wrapped his arms around me, cold water soaking into my clothes. I wrapped my arms around him and swayed violently. We laughed.
    I let go but held onto his hand and twirled him in the rain, he did the same to me. Our friends, cold, made their way inside but we stayed dancing. I twirled in circles, my arms out and face to the clouds. Nick, unbeknownst to me, took a picture of me then joined in.
    We danced and laughed for what seemed like hours. We ended up back in each other's arms, face to face. Nick suddenly got a serious look on his face.
    "I think, I think I like you,"
    "Oh Nick, I like you too,"
    His eyebrows furrowed as water dripped down his face, "No, not like that. I think I like you, like, like like you,"
    My eyes widened and my heart started racing, "Oh, I think I like you too, like, like like you too,"
    He smiled and leaned closer, "Can I kiss you?"
    I smiled back, "Please do,"
    He laughed and leaned in. His lips were cold but soft. Y'know the cheesy firework thing in books? How it feels like fireworks go off when the main character finally kissed the guy. Turns out those aren't fiction.
    Electricity shot through my body and suddenly everything seemed brighter. My hand went up to the back of his neck, his hair tickling my fingers. Although the rain was cold, my whole body was warm.
    I smiled as his hand went up to gently cup my cheek. Eventually we broke for air. I buried my face in the crook of his neck due to embarrassment. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me.
    I silently thanked the Lord. This was a miracle.
    The rain stopped and we let go. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He grabbed onto my hand and led me into the building, where he unfortunately had to leave me for the locker rooms. I did get a peck goodbye though.
    My cheeks hurt from smiling as I entered the room where my friends were. Tara laughed at my wetness and handed my a towel. I dried off as best I could.
    "Where's Tao and Elle?" I asked, noticing their absence.
    "I think they went to the balcony, over there," Darcy told me. I didn't want to interrupt any of the couples so I went back outside, where the sun was now shining.
    I stopped as I heard familiar voices. I knew I shouldn't listen but my curiosity got the best of me when I heard Imogen telling Harry to piss off.
    "Okay fine, if you're gonna be a coward about it," Harry retorted, I leaned closer.
    "Oh, hey," I heard Nick's voice.
    "Hey," Imogen responded.
    There was a pause, "What's up?" Nick asked.
    "You did so good!" Imogen complimented. I furrowed my eyebrows, I love the team but, they did not do good.
    "Um, I mean, the match was canceled and we were losing anyway but, thanks," Nick said, I smiled at his bluntness. "So what's going on?"
    "I," Imogen paused, "I wanted to ask you if, um. Like, this is really random, but maybe we could like, go out? Somewhere? Together," My breath got caught in my throat. "Like I guess sort of a… date? Or something…"
    "Oh, um," Nick started and I got scared. Cheers for Nick to say yes rang out. "Yea," He said after a while, I stumbled back. A rock fell from above and I looked up to see Tao and Elle, looking right at me with wide eyes.
    My vision blurred as I backed away from the wall.
    "Oh, y/n!" Harry's voice called out as he grabbed me and pulled me into everyone's sight.
    Imogens face was a light pink color and Nicks portrayed shock.
    "Did you hear what just happened?"
    I shook my head, pressing my lips together, "No, Harry, why don't you fill me in," I said looking at Nick with tears in my eyes. "Give me all the details,"
    Harry went on to explain what happened as I made intense eye contact with Nick. His eyes became shiny. Good. I hope he's fucking crying. I'm not even angry at him for not liking me back, or leading me on, or acting he fucking did and kissing me then accepting a date offer. I'm angry I thought he could actually like someone like me when he could like someone like Imogen.
    "Thanks for the story Harry but I best be off. Imogen, Nick, very happy for you two. Congratulations,"
    I walked off, despite Nick's weak attempts to make me stay. After walking a little, fast footsteps came running behind me.
    "Go away Nick, I don't want to talk to you,"
    "It's a good thing we aren't Nick then huh?"
    I looked behind me to see Tao and Elle.
    Tao took a step forward, empathy in his eyes. "Are you okay?"
    "Oh yeah, just peachy Tao. I definitely did not witness the boy who just kissed me accept a date offer with the prettiest girl in school. I'm totally fine, sunshine and rainbows bitch,"
    "Oh Y/n," Elle walked forward and hugged me as I broke down in tears.
    "I'm not even, I'm not really angry at him. Well, I am angry at him but i-i don't know. I'm just angry-angry at myself for, for y'know. Thinking he'd actually like me over someone- over someone like Imogen,"
    "Y/n, hey, it'll be alright. Nicks just thick headed. Do you wanna come over to mine and have a movie marathon?" Tao suggested.
    I sniffled, "Can we watch Marvel?"
    Tao rolled his eyes, "Oh the things I do for Americans. Yeah, we can watch Marvel, only for you," I smiled.
    At least at the end of the day, I have my best friends.


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