chapter 13 (ty for the wait)

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My breath sped up as I paced around the room. My eyes filled with tears and my hand itched towards anything sharp enough to leave a mark. I tried taking deep breaths but it didn't work. I grabbed my phone and quickly sent a text, hoping he'd be awake this late.

Ten minutes passed and I'm on the ground rocking myself back and forth when I hear a quiet thank you outside my door and it slowly opened. I barely made out Nick's figure through my blurry vision and I shakily stood up. He immediately hugged me and I broke down in his arms.

He whispered sweet nothings into my ear as we swayed side to side, sobs racking through my body. I hugged him like my life depended on it, to the point where my muscles ached, but I didn't let go. He was the only thing keeping me up and keeping me from completely losing it.

Eventually the sobbing subsided and the tears dried up, but we still stood there. Basking each other in. I took deep breaths, breathing in his comforting scent.

He slowly and silently moved us towards the bed and lied down, pulling me along with him. I set my head upon his chest and focused on his calm heartbeat. He grabbed my hand and gently rubbed it with his hand. Still silent.

A silent tear fell from my eye and soaked his shirt. He sighed.

"What happened love?" He asked quietly. I stared at my free hand that was drawing imaginary shapes on his chest.

"My friends from America," I told him.

"You wanna talk about it?"

I sighed, "I wouldn't know where to start,"

"How about the beginning?"

I snorted another tear falling from my eye, "You're useful. But okay. I'm friends with this group of girls, and they're really kind to me. They're names are Andy, Isabel, Nila, and Cassy. But then my other friends, well, my best friends, Alexa, Amelia, and Addison all hate them. Alexa and them used to be best friends but something happened between them, I think both sides were wrong in that situation but that's besides the point. They give me absolute hell for being friends with them and one day I snapped, I was so over it," I started.

I continued talking for an hour before the whole story was done, taking small breaks for tears. Nick sat there and rubbed my back the whole time.

"So yeah, she left me. She ended it all. I can't unadd her back either. I'm not ready to let her go Nick," I said, more tears falling out my eyes and staining his shirt.

He took a deep breath, trying to ignore the small twinge of anger he felt towards Alexa.

"Well, I think, you should ditch all of them, and ditch everyone here, and only be friends with me. So I can keep you to myself," He said with lighthearted tone. I giggled.

"No, but for real, I think this'll all blow over. Give it some time. Let everyone process what's going on. Don't let this ruin your mood though. They'll figure it out eventually and if they don't then they weren't your friends in the first place. And knowing you, you'll do what's best. You'll figure it out. You always do," He finished and squeezed my hand.

I sighed in content and closed my heavy eyes. Letting sleep overtake me as Nick quietly hummed a song to me.

Iris, by the Googoo Dolls.

Did y'all miss me?
I'm sure you did. Anyways. Thank you so much for the wait, it's been literally forever. This was kinda a vent chapter, what the reader explained is happening in my life rn and I needed some nick nelson to comfort me. Dw tho, the movie theater chapter is coming out soon.
Have a nice day or night or whatever.
I'm out.

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