chapter 21

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  ^^^^that's the ring from the zoo

  "I can't believe it's the last day of school already. You're leaving us already," Tao complained as our whole friend group sat on the grass during lunch.

     I slapped the back of his head, "Hey, I'm not leaving leaving for another week you dickhead,"

    He flipped me off and I stuck my tongue out as the rest of the group laughed. Despite the laughing a heavy atmosphere settled.

    "I can't believe you're leaving us already," Tao repeated, however with a new found sadness in his voice.

    I sighed, "Yeah, but hey, we still have a week to do all the fun shit can okay?" I asked with a smile.

    He gave me an obvious fake smile back, "Yeah, okay,"

    We sat in heavy silence the rest of lunch.

    "Okay class, I hope you all have a great summer, and I'll see you next year!" The teacher looked at me with sad eyes, "well, most of you that is," she corrected herself as the final bell rang and kids piled out of classrooms.

    I walked out slowly, taking in the school one last time. I've had so much fun at this school, from fucking around in the halls with Tao, and having fights over who's smarter with Riley. Kissing Nick in the corridor, laughing with Tara and Elle as Darcy had to pretzel sticks out of the corners of her mouth, eating in the art room with Charlie on days he wasn't feeling good. Even silently reading with Isaac during our free period. I never thought I'd miss school like I'll miss this one.

    I left through the front doors and saw the whole group there, a couple of them looking at me sadly. I gave them the realest smile I could muster as I walked up to them.

    "Okay, we have a week to fit in as much fun things as we can before I leave, let's get to it people,"

1 week
    The group laughed as Darcy impersonated a monkey at the zoo. She jumped around, making monkey noises which caught the monkey's attention. They looked at her and she froze, before making more monkey noises, attempting to communicate with them.

    We all stood there silently, waiting to see if the monkey's would respond. After two minutes the monkey just turned around and went on with its business, making Darcy pout.

    We laughed and continued looking at the different animals. I stopped as I saw the bat enclosure, I've always been fascinated by bats. I silently watched them as they slept, their chests slowly rising and falling under their wings.

    A presence found its way behind me and two hands were placed on my waist and a chin was rested on my shoulder.

    "Bats huh?" Nick questioned and I hummed.

    "They're so peaceful," I whispered and he smiled, placing a soft kiss on my neck and resting there, gently swaying us side to side.

    "I'm hungry," Tao complained, dragging out his words.

    "Okay, I think we're ready for some food, do you two wanna stay here and do your cheesy crap or you wanna get food too?" Riley asked.

    "Food," I told him.

    "Cheesy crap," Nick said in unison to me before sighing. "Fine, food,"

    We walked to the small restaurant the zoo had hand in hand.

    After a while we became tired and decided to make our final stop. The gift shop.

    I looked around, carefully touching things I was interested in. My eyes caught something shiny and I smiled at the ring and picked it up to further examine kt. It was a beautiful golden ring in the shape of a bat, it's chest out and wings being bent back as apart of the ring. It had dark red jewels as it's eyes. It was obviously fake jewels and just metal painted gold, but it was beautiful. However, I had nowhere near enough as the whole pounds shit just confused me so I didn't use too much cash and I left my card at home, well, Rileys house.

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