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I am so glad that I got 7 reads and 1 vote !!!! READ AWAY! And I case you didn't know I changed her age to 16 and her destination to Alaska.

This chappy is dedicated to Hebaharoun3.


I placed the box on my table back home. I then went to bed.


I was 7 years old. I was watching my mom and dad fight, I was holding a camera facing them but I didn't know it was on. Tears were streaming down my face.

"We will send her to the orphanage, I don't want kids!" My mom screamed.

"We can't" champ said calmly.

"WHY NOT!" My mommy screamed with a high pitched voice.

"I DON'T WANT TOO" champ stood up and screamed.

"It's her or me chose" she said shaking.

"Her" champ said.

"THAT'S IT I WANT A DIVORCE, IM LEAVING AND NEVER COMING BACK, AND IM TAKING HER WITH ME" she smirked at the end. I don't want to leave champ. I don't like mommy. She always looked at me like she wanted to kill me. My eyes became wide and I ran up the stairs to my room, threw the camera on the bed and cried. Then I heard the door squeak, and someone sat on my bed.

"Hey, why are you crying Cory" said champ.

"I don't want to leave, champ" I cried.

"No you're not leaving" he whispered.

"I-I'm not?" I sniffed. I sat up.

"But you have to choose, do you want to stay with me or go with mommy" he smiled.

"No champ, I want you" I whispered, and hugged him. He hugged me back.

"Is the camera on" he said pulling away, and reaching for the camera.

"Opps" I blushed. He saved the recording and started it from the beginning. My eyes started to get teary.

"Sorry you had to see that" he hugged me.......again.


I woke up to the sound of John screaming.

"WAKEY, WAKEY SLEEPY HEAD" he shouted, I sighed but got up anyway.

"What" I said grumpily.

"Come on we're leaving" he smiled.

"Okay" I yawned, and he left. I got out of bed and took a quick shower. I wore skinny black jeans, black combat boots, and a crimson t shirt. I opened the box quickly with my necklace and held the old CD that had the scene I just dreamed about and I got angry, very, very angry. I wanted a fight to release my anger. I placed the CD back in the box and closed it. I took a deep breath to calm myself. Don't worry Coraline when we reach our destination you could fight with kids your age in school. With that thought in mind I carried my box and a bag containing my P.J's and the stuff I used in the bathroom. I went to the living room and placed the box on the sofa and the bag in one of my boxes.

"The moving truck is here, are you ready?" I heard John ask. I placed a fake smile on my face.

"Yes" lie.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked concerned.

"Yes, I am, I'm not killing anybody" lie. Lie.

"Come on" he said and I carried my box to my car. John allowed me to buy it when I got my drivers license. It was champ's dream car. A Bugatti viron super sport. John was a rich man so he bought it for me as a present. He doesn't like to use the ten million dollars that champ died for. He couldn't help champ because champ refused to take money from him. You're a friend not a bank. That sentence I heard it everyday.

I placed the box in the passenger seat. And sat in the drivers seat. After I saw that John pulled away in his car. I turned mine on and followed him. After several hours of driving nonstop, we reached our destination.

The house was nice, it wasn't too big cause it was only me and John anyway. And it wasn't too small. I parked the car and stepped out of it holding my box.

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