Real pain....

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Sry for the long wait, I had midterm exams then I went one a vacation and I wasn't allowed to bring my iPad or my computer and there wasn't any wifi, then my wattpad wasn't uploading the chapters I wrote so......



"Mom" I was shaking.

"Hello dear" she chuckled "miss me" she took a step closer.

"S-stay away!!" I shouted with tears in my eyes.

"Why would I do that" she laughed then through a punch towards my face making me fall backwards with the chair. I crawled away from her but she stepped on my hand.

"Please I-I didn't do anything to you" I cried.

She smirked evilly.

"You started all of this, if he put you in an orphanage he would stay alive, him and John" she kept on beating me up until I blacked out on the ground.

I woke up tied on the same chair in the same room but there was a mirror in front of me. I looked bad. Bruises and cuts where everywhere.

"You look nice" stupid girl a.k.a the guy chuckled.

"Thanks.....stupid girl" I smirked then I winced.

"I see that you didn't learn your lesson" he slapped me again." Maybe this will change your mind"He moved the mirror away and came back in with a remote. He clicked on a certain button and a screen appeared on the wall in front of me.

"This is what happened yesterday" he smiled. I looked at the screen in shock. I was punching my self.

"H-how" I was shaking.

"The drug" he said.

"B-but there was a lady there" my eyes started getting teary.

"It was the drug, it makes your worst nightmare come true" he chuckled. "and yours is your mother" he chuckled.

"Are you going to tell me where the necklace is?" He asked.

"Never" I narrowed my eyes.

"Your choice" he mumbled and inserted the blue liquid in my system.

He cut the ropes again and exited the room. I shut my eyes tightly for a second then I opened them. And the room started to fade and it turned into the boxing ring that my father fought his last fight in. I stood up and the chair under me disappeared. John and my dad where here.

"You don't have to do this, I can give you money Max, please just lis..." John started.

"No I am going to win this for her. Please give me some time alone" the champ said.

John nodded his head and left.

"C-champ" I whispered and he turned around.

"Coraline" he smiled. I laughed and ran towards him and hugged him.

"Champ your alive" I laughed.

"um yeah I guess I am?" He laughed back."I'm going to put you in the best collage if I win tomorrow" I pulled away from him.

"What? No champ your not fighting tomorrow, you'll die" I screamed.

"No I'm not I'm doing this for a brighter future" he smiled.

"I don't want money, I want you"I screamed with tears running down my face.

"It isn't your choice"he shouted back and left.

"Please champ" I screamed and ran towards him but I got tied down to a chair and an audience appeared and the champ and Jeremy appeared on stage. And a young laughing me was jumping and clapping beside John.

"NO"I screamed and tried to move but I couldn't.

"NO. NO STOP IT NO"I screamed but nothing happened and then the fight ended and I watched myself cry and I watched as they took him away. Then I blacked out.

I woke up with a face as still as stone.

"Listen to me and listen closely" I whispered dangerously looking at myself in the mirror.

"You could punch me, cut me up, you could do what ever you want to me" then I turned my head and looks directly to his eyes. "But I won't answer any of your damn questions" I spit on his face.

He growled and punched me in the face he put the drug in me and went out.

One month. One month in this routine. He comes in asks the same question. I don't speak. He injects me. I watch my father fight again. I wake up with a face of stone. And the cycle goes on.

But today was different.

"How are you Coraline or should I say Cory" he chuckled. I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth together and kept my eyes on the mirror.

"I made some research, how is daddy huh?" I shut my eyes tightly.

"Little girl is getting angry ooh I'm scared" he chuckled.

"How's John?" He snickered.

I started breathing faster.

"You have a weak. Greedy. Father"He whispered.

I snapped. I opened my eyes and stared at the mirror.

My breathing became even faster and my eyes slowly became black.

"AHHHH" he screamed and fell back.

The ropes around my hands burned out but my hands didn't get affected by the fire.

I stood up slowly and looked at the man tried to move away from me towards the door but I pinned him against the floor with a flick of my wrist then I opened my hand and imagined my hand to be around his throat and I started closing my hands slowly.

"P-please" he whispered and I stopped.

"Nobody talks like that about champ and John and gets away with it" I whispered dangerously.

"P-please" he cried and I tilted my head.

"I'm not like you" I whispered. Then I moved my hand sideways and he crashed against the wall and fell down unconscious. I smiled then looked at the door. I focused all my strength on it and it exploded, but an iron shard came into my leg.

"DAMN IT" I screamed. I took a deep breath and started walking out of the room. I pushed anyone that came in my way with just a flick of a wrist. But I was blacking out quickly and soon I fell on the floor right I front of the front door. I heard the door open, and I heard a furious growl. But I blacked out. I was so close. So close......

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