Home Alone (Beeduo)

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TW: none

-kinda sad but also cute


Tubbo had been sitting at home all day. It wasn't the alone part he was mad about, it was the fact that his husband promised to come home early that day. Why did Ranboo always have to be so busy? Why couldn't he be there for Michael? 

Tubbo glanced at the time again, it read 22:34. Shouldn't Ranboo know that he couldn't sleep without the comfort of another person? For the past couple days he's been coming home later and later. Once he even came home at 3am! Tubbo let out a frustrated sigh and started pacing back and forth across the living room floor. If Ranboo came home late one more time then they were going to have a serious talk about work hours.





It was almost midnight and it had been so long that Tubbo felt like he had made a permanent mark on the floor from all the pacing. Despite worrying him that Ranboo came home so late, it was also worrying that his job made it so difficult to get any free time. Maybe when he comes home they'll have a long talk about Ranboo's job position, Michael also missed his other Dad.

Tubbo glanced out the window but he couldn't see anything. The snow was falling to hard to make out anything past the front porch. He wouldn't even see Ranboo's tall figure walking towards the house. Tubbo closed his eyes and prayed that he would come soon....

It was 23:58 when he heard the familiar heavy footsteps banging on the front steps. Tubbo was thrilled to hear him come home but he's had enough of late nights. So he crossed his arms and stared right at the front door, waiting for his husband to walk through it.

The door opened slowly, almost as if the person on the other side was trying to be as quiet as possible. Tubbo observed as the tall figure came through the door wearing a suit and holding a medium sized black briefcase. The tall man hadn't noticed the angry person who was glaring daggers at him.

"Late again?" Tubbo inquired. Ranboo snapped his gaze to meet Tubbo's. His eyes widened at the younger males state. Day clothes still on, heavy bags under his eyes, disheveled hair, and a trace of tear stains down his face. Ranboo immediately dropped his case and ran over to his husband and engulfed him in a hug.

"I'm so sorry. I really didn't mean to come home late, it's just that...." He trailed off, not knowing how to finish the sentence. Tubbo wasn't having it,

"Is just that what? That you're never home?! That you never spend time with Michael anymore!?" Tubbo felt hot tears running down his face, "That you don't have time for ME anymore!?" 

He pried himself out of his husbands strong arms and looked at him with eyes glazed over, "I miss when we would bake cookies together. I miss when we would go to the park and push Michael on the swings," Tubbo wiped his tears with the back of his hand, "I miss when I could always count on you to be home to help me sleep. And this...this work position has ruined all of that!"

"Why can't things go back to how it used to be?" Tubbo mumbled. He directed his gaze to the floor, not being able to meet the eyes of his lover. By doing that he missed the regret, guilt, and sorrow that flashed through Ranboo's eyes. 

"Tubbo...I-....I didn't know you felt that way," He reached to lift Tubbo's face, "I'm really sorry and I didn't mean for any of that to be taken away from us."

Ranboo sighed, he knew what he had to do. It was always Tubbo's happiness that needed to be put first. After all, he does love him. Ranboo locked eyes with him, "If it makes you happy than I'll go back to the work position I had before I got the promotion," Ranboo smiled, "I'll do anything for you, okay?"

Tubbo felt a rush of overwhelming love for the man in front of him. He was speechless, so instead of responding with words he buried his face in Ranboo chest. His hugs would never get old.

"Thank you, that would really mean a lot to me."

"Of course Tubbo. Anything for you."

Ranboo pushed Tubbo to arms length and smiled down at him. In that moment they were both thinking the same thing.

I'm the luckiest man alive


This is my first time doing oneshots or anything in third person so sorry if it's bad or confusing. Hope you like the second chapter! Also, I promise that the oneshots get longer, if you were wondering

*Alex <3*

Word Count: 769

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