One Day (ZelkPVP)

18 2 0

TW: Violence, killers/death, smoking, gangs, guns, mention of murder, drugs, torture, 

^There's a lot of triggering things so pleeeeease be careful

(get ready for a whole ass a one-shot book)

(I can do what I want)


Mega - 18

Zelk - 21


Chapter 1:

Mega was sitting in his one room flat. He had been kicked out of his house only months ago when he told his parents he was gay. He was devastated and still is, it eats at his heart all the time. Mega ended up dropping out of school so he could get a job and pay for his own apartment, he'd rather not live in the streets. 

He had nothing better to do than gaze out of the small window. His vision was slightly obscured by the iron bars on the window, this wasn't the nicest neighborhood. It wasn't a place for someone as young as Mega. This neighborhood was the place for old creeps, drunkies, widows with no money, and possibly serial killers. Not for the sweet little Mega, who couldn't stand the sight of blood.

It didn't matter that he had job, he still had to stay in this small apartment where everything was in arms reach. His photos, his stuffed animals, his phone, and his gaming computer. Only several paces from one end of the room to the other. Not very ideal.

There are two very important facts about Mega. 1. He's mute and 2. He never wants to be in love again. And he has made the choice not to get involved with it ever again. Relationships only bring drama and heartbreak and he wants none of it. 

Mega smiled softly as the wind tickled his face. It felt nice that for once he could relax in these harsh environments. He draws out a long sigh, knowing he should get ready to work. Mega closes his eyes and stretches his arms, trying to get the last feelings of sleep out of his body. When he opens his eyes again he checks around the room and then starts getting ready.


The whole thing about living in dangerous conditions is that you have to look dangerous. For Mega this wasn't an easy task but he's gotten used to it as time wore on. Don't wear backpacks. Don't wear bright clothes (this one was especially difficult since Mega loved wearing blues and greens). Don't appear weak in the face of danger no matter how hard you want to coward away. The thing that Mega felt was the most effective is smoking. Everyone around his neighborhood smoked so it wouldn't hurt for him to at least pretend. Mega knew smoking was bad and he wouldn't go as far as actually smoking but this was a good way to appear dangerous in his neighborhood. 

Mega took a deep breath and exited his room, quickly pulling up his hood. Keeping his eyes glued to the floor he made his way down the creaky stairs and out the front door of the apartments. He continued to keep his head down until he could hear the train in the distance. That sound meant he was far enough away to let his guard down a little.

Mega breathed out a frustrated sigh, he wished that one day he could be free from all the memories and struggles his life currently had. One day, maybe one day. 

Chapter 2:

Zelk was running through the backstreets of the city. The cops were a little to close for comfort but he knew he could outrun them, Zelk could outrun anybody and anything. He looked up at the rooftops hoping to spot some people from his gang. They should be gunning down those police men at some point or another. If not he was going to have a serious word with them later. Zelk reached to his earpiece,

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