Flowers (Feret) Pt.2

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TW: Blood, gory descriptions, pain, 

-fluff again but kinda sad

-3rd person/1st person

Aha! I have come with part 2! I hope y'all like this oneshot bc it's kinda a uncommon ship. Alsooo.....I've fucked with my sleep schedule just for this to be here rn. But lucky me because I never had a sleep schedule! hehe, anywaysssssss.........back to the book


Fundy gently picked up the rose he coughed up and placed it into a small duffel bag. He decided to keep all the roses because he couldn't find it in himself to throw them out. It was like he was attached to them. Maybe one day he could look back on this and always have these roses because so far they haven't started wilting or becoming any less beautiful. Immortal perhaps.

But besides the roses the only thing he actually packed was some water and food. You know, the essentials. He didn't really need anything for the journey since it was literally 2 hours away, walking distance.

The previous day Fundy told Wilbur that he would leave early just to make sure he got there at a reasonable time, which is a total lie. He just really needs to see Eret. The other reason because he couldn't manage the hopefulness on Tommy and Tubbo's faces that they might actually win the war, if he saw them before he left knowing that if Eret accepts his love he's a total traitor. No one would be winning any wars and Tommy and Tubbo would probably hate him for eternity.

The fox slipped out of Manburg through one of the holes that was never patched up. He feared that they were going to surprise him at the entrance on his way out, better to play it safe. Fundy started walking down the road and pondering what might happen. He honestly wasn't thinking about rejection, all he cared about was not dying, getting rid of the cough attacks, the thorns, and possibly getting himself a boyfriend. If he was lucky.

Fundy didn't want to think about the consequences because right now, he felt great. Just listening to the birds and letting the fresh morning breeze whip across his face. But he just had to jinx himself, how lovely.

Imma guess pink or like you know that cherry color? Yeah.....that, Fundy thought as he felt the next flower start coming up. He partially grimaced at the sensation, it wasn't a great feeling to have a flower shoved down your throat.

Several violent hacks later an ombre rose dropped out from his mouth. It went from dark orange to the softest of yellows and Fundy's jaw dropped at it's beauty. Though the disease wasn't done with him yet, pain clouded Fundy's vision and he dropped fully to the floor, no longer able to support himself. A couple more coughs and his vision cleared enough to see what happened. Fundy's throat was on fire from all the scratching and coughing, he was spitting out long streams of blood. The fox spotted several thorns on the bridge and blood continued to dribble from the side of his mouth. Fundy was left panting on the side of the road.

He took a minute to clear the fogginess that the pain caused. After that he slowly turned to sit on the bridge. Fundy knew if he tried to stand up it would result in him back on the dirty floor. Well, if he had any doubts before he definitely didn't now. There was no was he was going to endure that pain and probably even worse later, he needs to find Eret and fast.

Once Fundy was sure that he could stand, he took the ombre rose and dropped it softly into his bag. He smiled at all the different colors that decorated the inside of his bag, Fundy noticed that no two roses looked the same and that made him grin even wider. Even though they brought so much pain, Fundy couldn't help but loving them.

Bringing himself back to reality, Fundy closed the bag and continued to walk down the road. He still had a very long way to go. The castle was far and Fundy wasn't exactly looking forward to the 2 hour walk ahead of him. 

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