Flowers (Feret)

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TW: Blood, possibly gory descriptions, swearing

-fluffy, sad but not rly angst

-3rd person

Soooo this AU is set right after Eret blew up/betrayed Manburg. This oneshot is not at all according to the plot. It follows my own made up storyline. Just heads up :D

I know Fundy x Eret isn't as popular but I had this idea and it only worked for these two. Oh well and sorry if you don't like this ship.


Fundy knew exactly what was happening. He knew why is was happening. He knew what he had to do. He knew who it was. He knew he could die. The problem, he couldn't do anything about it. That scared him more than the actual problem that was glaring down at him.

See, Fundy started coughing up small green buds on Monday (it was now Friday of the same week) and now you could see small petals peaking out of the buds. All the flowers were different colors of the rainbow which confused Fundy to no end. From what he read of Hanahkai it was always one type of flower.

Yes, he had the disease that was only supposed to be deep in mythology. 

It all started last Monday, a day after Manburg was blown up by Eret. Fundy had always admired the man from afar and whenever they had conversation he felt like his stomach was being assaulted by butterflies. Fundy always dreamed of one day being with Eret but that was all thrown out the window when he said those horrible words, "It was never meant to be." A day after Eret ran way to be on Dream's side, the fox started coughing up flower buds. 

After his extensive research he finally understood what was going on. He has a couple of weeks and when he starts coughing up full flowers then Fundy knew he'd be in big trouble. BUT, he didn't have to worry about it yet since only the buds were coming up. He knew that he would have to tell Eret about the big crush he developed sooner or later.

Fundy walked from his small tent that he was living at and approached the walls of Manburg. The walls were a bit broken and damaged. The fox tilts his head a bit and thinks about how these walls perfectly represent his life right now. He may only have a few weeks to live and that's pretty scary that there's an impending doom waiting to snatch you from your home.

You may be wondering why Fundy doesn't just go and confess to Eret. Well for the fox it wasn't that easy. Fundy sighed and looked over his shoulder to where the others were conversing. They're all so mad at Eret but Fundy couldn't find it in him to hate the traitor.

It was hard for them because whenever Eret's name was mentioned Tubbo would go silent, Tommy would cuss him out, and Wilbur. Oh Wilbur was the worst! Fundy knew his dad hated Eret and that made this disease impossible for the fox. If his dad ever found out what was happening then he'd be double dead. Wilbur would probably lock him in his room and restrict him ever going out if Fundy asked to see Eret. None of the members of Manburg could leave without Wilbur's direct permission anyways.

Fundy walked over to the others who were talking about plans to take down the Dream Team.

"We should totally kill them in their sleep!" Tommy shouted the suggestion. Fundy just shook his head at the teenagers silly suggestion.

"No Tommy. IT doesn't work like that you idiot," Wilbur shot down the idea immediately. He rubbed his temples, the others seemed to giving him a headache. As always :P

"What if we sent someone to negotiate? We all know we don't have the numbers, weapons, or resources to fight another big battle," Fundy pointed out. The gears were already turning in his head and he was thinking about being sent to negotiate then sneak off to see Eret. Just thinking about it like that made him mentally sigh, he sounded like an emo teen sneaking behind their parents backs. He then sighed yet again, remembering that he was doing exactly that.

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