Ignored (Karlnap)

63 3 16

TW: Swearing, mention of killing a lot of people, bullying, homophobia


-I'm going to do first person for this one :/ 

-Tell me if you like 1st person or 3rd person better!





Sapnap's POV:

I really didn't want to go to a new school but my mom's boss just had to move their office down to California. I'm going to miss Texas so much. But that's not even the worst part, it's halfway through the school year! Everyone is going to have friend groups and I'm going to be the new kid that everyone hates. I sigh, this is so stupid.


I walked out of the principal's office with mediocre directions of how to find my classes. Something about halls being letters and buildings being colors. Wait...or was it halls colors and building letters? I drag my hands down my face in frustration. This is going to be so difficult and I'm not going to ask anyone for directions.

I carefully weave my way through the crowds of students that are waiting for the first bell to ring. I still have 15 minutes so hopefully I can figure this out in that time frame. I walk out of the building I was previously in and into the middle area of the highschool that's between all the buildings. I slowly turn around and study the 5 different buildings. So it is colors for buildings, that makes this easier.

I start walking towards the red building because that's where my first class is. I once again get confused when I try to figure out the hall letters, which by the way, aren't in alphabetic order! How is that even possible?! Or smart?!

I felt a force hit my body and I looked down to see that I ran into someone. Oops.

"Oh my gods, I'm so sorry," I frantically tell the boy that crashed into me. He just stayed on the floor with a couple of pages scattered around him, "Here. Let me help you."

The boy finally looks up in surprise and I freeze. His fluffy hair fell perfectly over his face, his blue eyes looked up at me. Damn, this was the most beautiful guy I had ever seen. So adorable and cute, I want to touch his hair, I shake my head. Not the time.

I shake out of my trance and gather the papers that I knocked out of his hands. It was at this time that I realized people were staring at us, I just brushed it off as people being nosy. I carefully handed the important looking papers back to the boy, who accepted them but not before giving me a wary look. I just furrowed my eyebrows, I was definitely missing something here.

When the boy finally stood up I made eye contact, "Hi my name's Sapnap. I'm new and could you tell me where class xxx is?"

The boy opened his mouth to respond but his eyes widened at something that was behind me and immediately turned the opposite direction and ran away from me. I tilted my head in confusion, this school is so weird. I turn around to see what the pretty boy was looking at and I get met by a very tall guy. It looks like he could play football or basketball or something that you have to be tall for.

"Hey bro, you new here?" The guy asks me. I narrow my eyes at him but I answer anyway,

"Yep and these hallways are extremely confusing," I sigh at the end. The guy laughs a bit.

"Bro, I know exactly what you mean. I can help you find your class if you want, you seem pretty chill," He adds. I laugh at his remark, I wouldn't consider myself chill but you know what? Sure, whatever he wants to believe.

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