Toxic (Sapnotfound)

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TW: Mention of toxic relationship and abuse, swearing

-sad? idk

I also didn't feel like editing this sooooo yeah. And if you're reading my other story then I promise that I'm almost done with the next chapter :D


Sapnap was getting his lunch ready, just a simple roasted beef sandwich. He was about to take a bite when his phone suddenly rang. He let out a frustrating sigh, how dare someone interrupt him and his food! Sapnap reached for his phone and his eyes widened when he saw the contact, 💚Georgie💖😘 


"Sap! It was so bad today and I think I'm done for good. Aaron went out to get groceries so we have about an hour. Can I please come to your house?" Sapnap could hear his small sniffles over the phone.

"Oh George, I promise I'll be there in less than 5 minutes. I'm leaving right now, get your stuff together please."

He quickly ended the phone call. George had been in a toxic relationship with this douchebag for so long. The guy was controlling, protective, and abusive towards George. Sapnap had started secretly dating George for a few months now, it was mostly to encourage George to end things with the guy and give him some support. Toxic relationships can be hard to get through without someone to help.

Sapnap rushed out of the house and into his car. He was probably speeding but he didn't care, George was more important than a ticket. Sapnap got to where George lived within 5 minutes and ran up to the door. It was already unlocked,

"George? You in here?"

"Yep! I'm upstairs," George's voice drifted down the staircase and into Sapnap's ears. He smiled and took the stairs two at a time, he hadn't seen George for a few weeks, just phone calls. When he got upstairs he saw George packing up all his belongings.

"Heyyyy," Sapnap greeted. George turned around and shyly smiled.

"Hi. There's still some stuff," He responded.

It took the two of them the next 45 minutes to get everything packed and into the car. Sapnap started to get worried that Aaron would show up before they had the chance to leave. But if he did come Sapnap knew he would protect George with his life, this guy was really bad.

Just as they got the last box into the car George saw Aaron's car coming down the road. He started panicking because he was afraid what Aaron would do when he saw him leaving the house for good. George knew he wouldn't be happy, that's for sure.

Sapnap also noticed his car and fumbled with his car keys so they could quickly drive away, however he wasn't fast enough.

Aaron didn't even pull all the way into the driveway before getting out of his car. Luckily, Sapnap and George were able to get into the car before Aaron had a chance to pull George away. Sap started the engine but Aaron stood directly in front of the car preventing them from pulling away. The two of them could hear him loud and clear,

"GEORGE! What are you doing! You know that I'M THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN EVER LOVE YOU!" Aaron screamed at them, "So come back to me. You know that you're worthless without me!"

Sapnap looked over to see George's hands shaking, they started moving over to the handle. He couldn't really be considering going back to Aaron, could he?

"Georgie.." Sap whispered. George looked over to him with glassy eyes, "You know the truth. Don't let him hurt you anymore."

Sapnap prayed that his words reached him, the relationship was truly horrible.

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