Dreams (Karlnap)

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TW: Mentions of abuse

Soulmate AU 

- soulmates share the same dream space and can converse in their dreams 

- concept of sharing dreams from MidnightNinja27's book 'In Your Dreams'

This was fun to write


Sapnap's POV:

Is it possible to love someone before you meet them? Well, I'm pretty sure I'm in love. Some people will date others before meeting their soulmate but I could never imagine doing that. I worry a lot because I've never met my soulmate in my dreams. Maybe they just don't sleep? Which is super scary or Dream told me the other day that there's sleeping pills that make sleep dreamless. But either way my soulmate can't sleep and that makes me worry endlessly.

I sling my backpack on my shoulder and brush away those thoughts as I walk to school. I used to get a ride from Dream but have you seen that man drive? I want to keep my life thank you very much so I will so not be stepping in his metal murder machine.

I spot Dream once I get to school and he waves me over excitedly, "Sapnap!! Oh my god! I just saw my soulmate, should I go say hi?"

I sigh and roll my eyes, "Use your brain! Of course go say hi." He nods in agreement and rushes away, what an idiot. I love him, but he's an idiot. 

It seems that Dream was too busy to show up to first period, so I opt to sleep. Dream makes this class entertaining so I will be dying of boredom if I sit here. I place my head down and drift into the endless void of sleep.

Dream World:

I appear in the garden as usual. It's said that the dream space takes form of what's most comforting for both soulmates. I go sit on my usual bench to admire the nature but I stop short. A fluffy brown-haired boy sits on the ground not too far from me. First impressions, cute as hell.

"Hello?" I say in a low voice so I don't scare him. The boy looks up in shock and I give him a genuine smile.

"H-hi." The boy shyly responds. He avoids eye contact with me, "Maybe I should go so I don't disturb you."

I go in full panic mode, I just met him and I won't let him wake up yet, "Wait! Don't go! I want to get to know you so maybe we can see each other in real life!"

"Why would you want to meet me in real life? You don't even know me, if you did you probably wouldn't want to be around me," The boy with purple eyes continues. I carefully sit down a couple feet away from him,

"It's simple. We're meant for each other and now that I've met you, I only believe that fact more. You're perfect and beautiful in every way." I try to encourage him. When I see him look away I mentally scold myself for going to far but I'm relieved to see a blush on his neck. Maybe he is interested in me after all despite the first impressions. I really hope he is since I'm totally in love, if I wasn't in love before I definitely am now.

I open my mouth to say something else but the familiar tug of reality forced me to leave the dreamscape.

End of dream

"Nick! You are not allowed to sleep in my class!" The teacher shakes me awake, "Detention for the rest of the week."

I let out a loud groan of annoyance both for not getting to talk to the boy more and having to sit through detention


For the next 2 weeks I tried to sleep as much as possible so I'd have a larger chance of meeting my soulmate again. I want to mee the boy in real life and learn his name. I really hope we live close but I'm getting ahead of myself, I need to meet him first and the chances of that seem pretty low. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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