Broken (ZelkPVP)

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TW: Homophobia, starving?, bullying, swearing

-sad but also happy? But also sad   -_-  

I don't know anymore and this is only the fourth chapter.....I'm slowly going isaaaaane  0-0

Sorry if there's a lot of ZelkPVP chapters, it's because I have a soft spot for this ship :T

Also I know absolutely no sign language sooooooo.......yeah, oh well


Mega's relationship with his parents wasn't exactly bad. It was more of a mutual and silent hatred for each other. They didn't openly say bad things to Mega but he knew they were thinking it. Mega had been mute for all his life and his parents hated him for it. And it didn't make any sense to him! It wasn't his choice to not be able to speak so why would his own parents  hate him for it. If you really thought about it, technically it was their fault because they "made him" or whatever.

Mega just sighs as he walks home from his high school. Other than thinking about his parents he was also thinking about his long time crush. It hurts him so much that he can't even talk to the guy because of his horrible vocal cords that he despises. The smaller had liked Zelk since freshman year and they now were both in their junior year. It was hopeless.

He felt so terrible as all these thoughts were running through his head. Mega ran his fingers through his tangled hair in frustration, why couldn't things be easier for him? Everyone else had a voice so where did he get fucked up?

He snapped out of his thoughts when he realized he arrived at his house steps. Mega just shook his head to rid himself of those thoughts and then walked through his front door. He saw that his mom was in the kitchen, probably making dinner, and his dad was just chilling on the couch watching the news. When they heard the door open they turned their heads to the door to see who it was. When they saw Mega his mom scoffed and turned back to what she was making in the kitchen. 

Before Mega could move out of the way of the door his older sister burst through the door and pushed the smaller boy to the ground.

"I'm home!" Jenny beamed at her parents, "School was so great! I totally aced that math test!"

Both of the adults smiled at her and stopped what they were doing to come and hug their 'perfect' daughter. Mega mentally rolled his eyes at the scene.

"What test honey? Can I see the paper?" Mega's Dad asked Jenny.

"Oh no. We took it today and I'm just really confident that I did well," Jenny had the fakest smile that Mega had seen in a long time. The smaller boy knew that in reality his sister probably failed the test, just like every single other test.

His mom turned to look at the small boy on the floor who you tell wasn't getting enough food to eat, "What about you? I assume you scored terribly?"

Said boy just shook his head, trying to say that he did well. Mega's favorite subject was math and there was no way in hell that he failed that test.

"Don't shake your head at me!" His mom screamed at Mega, "I know you failed, just like you have on all those previous exams!"

"Yeah Mega," Jenny taunted, "Use your words. Oh wait, you can't!"

Mega just turned his gaze to the ground, trying to avoid their taunting eyes. After some time they started to laugh at him.

"You can't even defend yourself. How pathetic!"

That comment just drove Mega over the edge and he could feel the familiar burning sensation in his nose. The smaller boy really didn't want to cry in front of his so-called family. Despite knowing he'd get yelled at for it later, he quickly got up and sprinted up the stairs of his house towards his bedroom. When he got there he closed the door behind him and dropped onto his bed.

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