Prank (Skephalo)

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TW: Swearing...once at the end

-sad kinda

-I'm going to refer to Badboyhalo as Darryl cause it's easier for me

-lowkey hate this chapter, I'm also bad a writing angst for oneshots but whatever. I hope you enjoy it

(They're already in a relationship)

~~ <----- you'll see this when I switch between the minecraft server and the real world


Skeppy was on the minecraft server that he shared with Darryl. He wanted to prank the other but he didn't know what he was going to do quite yet. Skeppy almost didn't want to pull a prank because last time he did Darryl wouldn't talk to him for a few days. But that was months ago and he was itching to pull another prank on his boyfriend. 


Skeppy kept running around the server looking for something to prank or boobytrap. He ran towards Darryl's mansion that he took weeks building and walked in. There wasn't much in the house, or as much as a minecraft house could have. Skeppy continued looking for something to prank when he got on top of the roof and smiled to himself. This spot on the roof would be the perfect spot.

Skeppy started building his TNT rocket on top of Darryl's mansion. He was going to lure Darryl into it and then ignite the machine and launch his boyfriend into the sky, hopefully killing him in the process but that's only a bonus. Skeppy started making the rocket pretty on the outside so his boyfriend hopefully wouldn't suspect anything. He even used some of his precious diamonds to sell the look even more.

He decided to call Darryl over discord because of no other reason besides the fact that he didn't want to walk over to his room to tell him. Skeppy can be extremely lazy sometimes.

Skeppy had just made the finishing touches to the rocket when Darryl joined the call.

"Geppy! Why didn't you just walk over to my room and ask?"

"It was easier to call and plus, this will be really quick," Skeppy started, "Just come onto our server, I have something to show you!"


Skeppy jumped down to the ground and stood in front of the houses double doors, waiting for Darryl. A message in chat told him that his boyfriend had just joined the server.

"Come to your manison, I have something important to show you," He tells Darryl.

"Sure! As long as it's cool!!" Darryl responds.

"Well I think that it's pretty cool," Skeppy sees Darryl running towards him and then stopping right in front of him. He hears Darryl chuckle and then his minecraft character runs into Skeppy while making a kissing sound. Skeppy face palms,

"What was that for?" He grins a bit.

"Nothing!" Darryl laughs, "So what is it that you wanted to show me?"

"Just follow me."

Skeppy leads him through the house and up the many staircases to reach the top of the house. They climb the ladder to the rooftop. Skeppy swings his fist in the direction of the 'surprise'.

"It's that big structure over there!" 

Darryl gasps in surprise, a big dog that looks like Rat is sitting on the rooftop. Diamonds litter the area around the dog, making Rat look rich. Darryl was to surprised at Skeppy's building skills to even think about it being a prank.

"Oh my gosh Skeppy! Who knew you could build something so cool!? I'm going to keep this up here forever!" Darryl exclaims, "It's so amazing, you muffin head!"


Skeppy's eyes widen behind his computer screen, he definitely wasn't expecting Darryl to react in that way. This reaction made him rethink his original plan of pranking him. He actually felt a pang of guilt wash over him as Darryl ran around the dog in awe. Skeppy rubs his temples as he tries to decide whether to blow it up or not.


"Ooooooo! There's a doorway over here! What's inside!" Darryl exclaimed, jumping into the small doorway at the side of the dog. Skeppy started panicking, Darryl was going to find all the TNT inside the dog and think he was actually going to prank him. Skeppy decided he didn't want to and was going to remove the TNT later, now he was just waiting for his boyfriend's reaction. There wasn't anything else he could do.


"No. Don't even try to say anything," The line went silent for a few seconds, "You knew how much this mansion meant to me yet you do this anyway!"

"That's not wh-"

"Just blow it up, I don't care anymore," Darryl's voice was calm but that just scared Skeppy even more. He knew he really messed up this time.

"I'm not going to do that," Skeppy finally replied. Before he could explain any farther Darryl scoffed and left the call.


Skeppy immediately left the server after his boyfriend did. He put down his headphones and pushed aside his chair. He really had to fix this now or he didn't know what was going to happen to their relationship.

Skeppy quietly went down the hall to Darryl's office because if he was loud then his boyfriend would just lock the door. Skeppy opened the door to find that his boyfriend wasn't in there. He furrowed his eyebrows, Darryl usually camps out in his office whenever he gets mad because the two of them share a room so he can't really lock himself in there.

The boy makes his way towards their shared bedroom, hoping that Darryl's in there and hasn't run away from the house. Skeppy slowly opens the door to their bedroom to find Darryl curled up in the middle of bed hugging the skeppy plushie that they have.

He takes a deep breath before entering the room, he starts moving towards the bed when Darryl speaks.

"Were you really going to blow up my whole house," Darryl lets out a small sob at the end of the sentence. Skeppy looks at his heartbroken boyfriend and swears on his life that he'll never pull a prank on him ever again.

"I promise that I wasn't going to," Skeppy starts explaining, "Is it okay if I come and hug you? I feel really bad."


Skeppy smiled when he heard the quiet response from Darryl. He moves to sit on the bed next to Darryl and swings his legs onto the bed. Darryl looks up at him with teary eyes and tear stains on his face. It just makes Skeppy's heart break even more.

He slowly removes the plushie from Darryl's grip and then hugs the sad man. The second Skeppy wraps his arms around him, Darryl latches onto Skeppy. 

Darryl couldn't believe that Skeppy would try to pull a prank again even after they talked about it last time. The younger boy was disappointed in Skeppy, he knew how much that house meant to him. Darryl sobs into Skeppy's chest.

"I promise it was a canon and not something to blow up your house. I know that's it's bad anyway but I wasn't going to do it after you seemed so excited to have Rat on top of your house. I'm so sorry," Skeppy explained, he really hoped that this wasn't going to seriously hurt their relationship, "I love you and I'm so so sorry. I won't happen again."

Darryl nodded in response and looked up into Skeppy's blue eyes, "I love you too."

Skepyy smiled and let out a breath, "Thank god."

Darryl playfully hit Skeppy in the chest, "Dumbass. I don't forgive you."

That made Skeppy whine, "Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy."

"Make me dinner for the week and I'll reconsider." 

"Fine! Just be ready for burnt spaghetti!" Skeppy smiled. Darryl just sighed at the response, how could he ever be mad at this man?


Ehhh, it was okay. Sorry if it was confusing

*Alex <3*

Word Count: 1,264

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