BOOM! (Hermitcraft)

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TW: Minecraft dying, 

So since this is a MCYT oneshot book I want to do hermitcraft, if you don't know what that is then shame! This oneshot is to honor the creeper antics on the server! It's the same storyline as the video but I just wanted to write it for fun!! Enjoy!


Grian, Mumbo, and Scar


Grian's POV:

Grian was just minding his business working on the front his base (not the back) when out of the corner of his eye he could swear he saw a flash of movement. He closed the chest he was looking in and turned to the direction he saw movement. But it was to late, 2 creepers walked right up to his face and started blinking. 

Grian screamed out of terror and tried to run away but he heard the explosion sound and waited for the respawn screen. When he didn't see it he turned around when he heard to pairs of high pitched laughter.

"OMG! We got you soooo good!" Scar managed to get out through his laughs.

"Did you hear that scream?!!" Mumbo joined in on teases him. Grian just rolled his eyes and laughed along with them. He had to give it to the two pranksters, it was good.

Grian walked closer to where his two friends where on the floor laughing, "Oh my goodness, that was obscenely loud in my ear!!" The two went quiet for a second to process then continued laughing, "Whatever, this better mean that I get to join the fun?"

Scar and Mumbo stopped laughing for real this time and handed him a couple invis pots, a creeper costume head, a blinking costume, and the audio clip for the explosion.

Grian did a test run and was laughing slightly by the end, "This is hilarious!"

"I know right! It's my best version of the creeper costume EVER," Scar declared, looking very proud of himself, "Ready to go get someone else??"

"What about Bdubs? I think we could get a good reaction out of him," Mumbo suggested. Grian and Scar quickly agreed knowing how jumpy Bdubs can be sometimes.



When the three confirmed Bdubs location at his moss shop they hid behind one of the shops and discussed the plan. 

"Alright, Scar and Mumbo!" Grian called out to make sure his friends were paying attention, "Scar, you need to go inside to him and get him with the costume then Bdubs will probably run downstairs where me and Mumbo will be waiting in costume. Then as he gets scared of us he'll run back into the shop where you'll be in costume. Sounds foolproof and definietly not confusing!"

"And Scar? DON'T mess up," Mumbo reminded Scar.

"Come on guys, when have I ever messed anything up?" Scar laughs midway through the sentence.

"Shhh, we need to go," Grian broke out into a grin, "Let the shenanigans ensue!!!"


Scar's POV:

For the first part of the plan Scar walked into the shop in costume and through the back wall into the shop to make sure he was inside without Bdubs knowing, "Heyy Bdubs!"

"Is that a customer I hear?" Bdubs yells from some other place in the store.

"Yes indeed, a customer in distress! I've been trying to fix the Moss Boss redstone machine all day but I can't get it to work," Scar continues with the lie, preparing the audio clip and costume to scare his mossy friend, "I'm in the moss area, you know, the place that doesn't work up here."

"WHAT?! No no no, you get down from there!" Bdubs says in a panicked voice, "!!!"

Bdubs walks into the area that Creeper Scar is in, "YES!" 

The audio clip goes off and Bdubs immediately jumps back, "AAAHHHH"

And just as Grian predicted he runs down the steps and into the hallway. Scar hears a two more creeper booms and continues his fit of laughter when Bdubs starts screaming and freaking out even more. "WHATT!!!" and "AAAAHHH" can be heard from miles away.

Bdubs walks back to the area that Scar is laughing from and sees what's really going on, "OH- you. I can't believe this!"

Scar chuckles slightly, "Haha, yeah. This is my favorite creeper costume! It gets the most people you know, the statics show it."

"Mhm, I'm sure they do," Bdubs sighs, "My heart is still going! I can't believe this."

With a final chuckle Scar heads out the door and downstairs where he immediately jumps and screams as he comes face to face with two creepers, "Oh my goodness!!!"

Bdubs comes out to see what's going on and notices all the creeper costumes there, "WHAT? There's three of you?!"

"Ha! Yep, all just to stir up some mischief. You know how it is," Mumbo says calmly. Very unlike Grian who is still cackling with laughter.

"SCAR! How did you get scared????!!! You knew I would be here!" Grain says through his laughter.

"Nooooo," Scar does his signature 'no' sound.

Grian then faces Bdubs, "We went over this elaborate plan and he still got scared! He knew I would be there!!!"

"Well that just sounds like instant karma," Bdubs laughs along, "Seems fitting that Scar got scared by his own prank."

"That went wrong in the best way possible," Grian smiles.

Scar just shakes his head slightly and laughs with them. Nothing could compare to the day full of mischief and fun.

Who knows? Maybe the creeper costume will come back again? And stronger???


Wow, I had so much fun writing this, you have no idea. If you want to see what really went down just look up Scar's Creeper Pranks on YouTube. Pretty funny, anyways, hope you enjoyed the hermitcraft chapter!!! Have a great day/night!!

*Alex <3*

Word Count: 927

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