Hoodie (Dreamnotfound)

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TW: None


Yay! This is the first chapter of my one shot book and I'm kinda excited. Just heads up, I've never really written in 3rd person before so this is my semi first time. If you have any constructive criticism or pointers I would really appreciate it! :D





George groaned as his alarm woke him up. He pushed himself up from the bed and slammed his hand down on the stop button. George hated waking up in the morning but he had to go to work so he resisted the urge to fall back asleep. He got up and walk out of his room towards the kitchen. In his 2 room apartment it wasn't hard to move around quickly, George liked everything he owned at arms length. He threw a slice of bread in the toaster and waited for it to be done so he could catch his shift at the coffee shop


Only a few people worked at the coffee shop and George always thought that there should be more workers because it seemed they were always short staffed. He was walking around to different table to take orders, deliver drinks and pastries, and saying the generic welcome statement when anyone walked through the doors.

George hears the bell on the door jingle and he turns to greet them,

"Hello, welc-" George stopped short when he made eye contact with the man standing in the shop. He had the most beautiful green eyes and the fluffiest hair George had ever seen, it made him want to reach out and touch it. The man also wore a black hoodie that had green paint splatters all over it. George cleared his throat slightly,

"Hi, welcome to the coffee shop! Please take a seat anywhere you'd like," He smiled at the blonde haired man. The guy nodded and went to sit at the corner table. George just stood frozen in the center of the shop, how could a guy look that good? Those types of questions were bouncing around his head as he took someone else's order. 

He soon realized that the next person he would need to take an order from is the blonde man. George closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and walked over towards the table he was sitting at.

"Hello sir, anything that I can do for you today?" George greeted him politely.

"I could go for a black coffee and possibly your number?" The green eyed man looked a little embarrassed but managed to keep a straight face. George brought his hand up to cover his mouth and he directed his vision in a different direction. He would be lying if he said that the blonde man didn't make him slightly flustered. Though he recovered quickly,

"I can get you that coffee but that's it," George spoke softly. He turned on his heels and walked towards the back to retrieve the coffee. He didn't know what to think, in his life George never had anyone purposely flirting with him. Only to prank him for being the nerdy kid with glasses and girly hair. Thankfully he didn't have to wear those god awful glasses anymore, it was embarrassing enough in school. But he did keep his slightly longer than normal brown hair, George couldn't stand the thought of cutting it off. He turned his attention back to making coffee, after all, there was still work to be done.


The blonde man sat in the corner drinking his coffee for the better part of 2 hours. In that time, rain starting pouring down from the sky. George frowned, he didn't bring a jacket or anything for this type of weather. George couldn't stop himself from stealing glances at the blond haired man every so often. The man was just that handsome. He's pretty sure the green eyed man caught him staring a few times but George didn't care, it was worth it. 

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