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Chapter 6: Going Home

Jesus, this is a terrible idea...

What I was about to do would either end terribly... or slightly less terrible. Hopefully the second one in this case.

I started up the motorcycle anyway.

The engine purred to life under me.

"Please let this work," I muttered under my breath.

I checked the kickstand and revved the motor. I took one last deep breath before flooring the throttle.

My eyes closed subconsciously as the bike hit the edge, the majority of me expecting the vehicle to fall off the edge and I would plummet to my death. Part of me might've even been okay with that.

But just like I had hoped, it was smooth sailing. The spell I copied had worked. The motorbike soared through the air effortlessly.

So, I should probably explain.

How did I get the motorbike to fly?

Why am I leaving Auradon?

Welp, I don't like monologues so I'll try to keep this short.

Parker cheated. It hurt, more than I care to admit. And it reminded me of why I always strayed away from emotional connections - like how things were on the Isle, before I learned to care.

However, I couldn't just leave my friends and go back to the Isle... or could I?

The more I thought about it, the more I started to think I could pull it off. After all, my friends could visit and they'd be fine here without me. As for my dick of a father, I knew the ins and outs of the Isle better than he ever did. Besides, he barely left the castle anyway so as long as he didn't know I was back it wouldn't be a big deal.

The only issue was getting there. I couldn't ask Ben, he was too busy with king stuff and I wouldn't want to worry him. Besides, he would just try and talk me out of it. I couldn't ask Mal to magic me back, like Ben she would worry and I didn't want to bother her with that. And I couldn't steal the limo, someone would notice and I didn't need anyone chasing after me.

So like any criminally insane person, I waited and plotted relentlessly. Eventually, I figured it out. Parker had an old dirt bike hidden in storage he didn't use anymore, he would never notice if it vanished. Mal keeps her spellbook hidden in her dresser when in classes or with Ben and after one of her mental breakdowns a few weeks ago I already knew she had a spell that I could borrow to escape. But I'm not magic, so how would I use a spell?

That's where the risk comes in.

See, after doing a little research, I came up with a theory. I have magic. The subconscious catches on to things we don't realize. So, basically, dreams can have secret meanings, especially repetitive ones. So that repetitive dream where I'm back on the Isle with actual magic, well I decided to finally listen to it.

So, long story kinda short. I copied a spell from Mal's book, stole Parker's bike, and now I'm literally flying Hagrid style to the lost isle.

But this leaves me with another question...

How the hell do I have magic?


"Long time, no see," A voice from behind me called.

I sighed and turned around, "I'm not even here for five minutes and I'm being harassed. Did ya miss me that much, Uma?"

"What're you doing back?" Uma asked, her friend Harley standing just behind her. They almost reminded me of cats, analyzing and cornering their victim before pouncing.

"Well I just missed you so much, Shrimpy," I mocked, watching the fire behind her eyes ignite at the nickname. Then she did something I didn't expect, she smirked.

"No Mal, no Evie, not even Jay or Carlos. You're all alone."

"Your point, fish bait?"

"Things changed after you left, you're not gonna make it out here on your own,"

I thought it over in my head. As much as I hated to admit it, she was right. I was used to the Isle where the VKs and I ruled, now everything was under pirate rule. Things were gonna be different.

"What do you want?"

"Join the crew," she smirked.

"What do you get out of it?"

I wasn't sure what to think of this. I mean, it didn't seem like a bad idea, but Uma was way too calm for my liking. She knew something I didn't and I didn't like that.

"You're no longer on Mal's side, that's enough for me."

"Fine, but on one condition, I'm not some little flunky you can boss around, I'm an equal."

"Deal," She looked me up and down before turning on her heel, "See you around, partner,"

Harley still stood in her spot though, eyeing me up and down.

"Is she always this annoying?" I asked

"You don't know, do you?" She asked me, her head tilted to the side in curiosity, almost reminding me of a puppy.

"Know what?"

She just hummed, looking me up and down again as though she were trying to figure me out.

With that she turned around, walking off in the same direction Uma had, "See ya around, angel,"

The nickname caused my stomach to flip in a way I wasn't expecting.

oh boy...

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