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Chapter 7: Trees

I got the paint can closer to the wall, trying to work out the fine details as best I could. I did a few more lines before stepping back and looking at my work.

Mal and I had started the murals in the hideout just a few days before being shipped off to Auradon, so we never got the chance to complete them.

"All the rooms have portraits but yours,"

The voice startled me, making me jump ever so slightly.

I spun around to find none other than Harley, Uma's partner in crime, leaning up against the wall. She was dawned in her usual black and blue, similar to the hues worn by her father, Hades.

"How'd you get in here? Did you follow me?" I questioned the girl.

"Maybe," she took a few steps toward me. Once again her head was tilted sideways as she glanced around the room. I couldn't tell if she was trying to figure me out or simply just taking in the chaos of my room.

"How long were you standing there?" I asked, hoping it wasn't too long.

"Long enough," she smirked, "You really get lost in your art, ya know,"

I watched her look at the mural on the wall. Something between curiosity and wonder in her eyes.

I was a little surprised if I'm being honest. Most people on the Isle joke and tease for things like art, unless it's some kind of graffiti or propaganda. But Harley wasn't teasing in any way, it was almost weird.

"There's portraits in every other room, and you pick trees?"

I had been painting one of the forests from Auradon. One of the many spots Parker took me. We took a lot of pictures in the months we were dating and I still had most of them, one of which I was using as a reference photo for the forest.

Something about forests always hypnotized me. The greens and browns, the rocks and creeks, it was all just so enchanting. Besides, we didn't have any forests on the Isle.

"What's wrong with trees?"

She shrugged, finally looking away from the mural and at me, "Nothing, I guess. Most villains are too caught up in their ego and ambition to notice the world around them."

"Here," I grabbed a photo from my dresser and handed it to her. It was the forest I was painting, a landscape filled with trees and a bright blue sky, like something from a fairy tale.

I went back to painting the wall, carefully adding details and texture among the sea of trees.

"Who's the boy?" I turned to see her still looking at the picture, a certain head of red hair popping out amongst the greenery.

I went back to painting once again, "Nobody." It was a blatant lie but I wasn't about to confess the details of my past relationship to someone I barely knew, "Why do you care?"

"Just making conversation,"

I stopped painting, setting the can down next to me to give my tired arms a break, "What're you doing here?"

Another shrug, "I was bored,"

"Why me? You barely even know me?"

This time she smirked, a glint her eyes I hadn't seen before, "I know you better than you think I do,"

"That was beautiful, you should write fortune cookies,"

"What's a fortune cookie?"

"It's a- never mind, it's just a stupid Auradon thing," I picked the spray can back up, ready to start painting again, but something stopped me.

"You wanna try?" I asked Harley, looking between the girl and the mural.

"Uh, no," She said, "I suck at that kinda stuff,"

"So did I till someone taught me,"

I saw her eyes light up, different from the mysterious glint they held moments prior. Excitement and nerves all rolled into one look.

"I don't wanna ruin it,"

"That's the thing about art," I handed her the spray can and pulled her towards the wall, "There are no mistakes."

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