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Chapter 17: Epilogue

I knocked on the big oak door in front of me, Harley standing nervously next to me.

"Come in!" A faint voice called from the other side.

I opened up the door, Harley and I trailing into the grand office. Behind a large oak desk, sitting in a leather office chair, was Ben.

I looked behind me and noticed Harley staring all around, amazed by the luxurious furnishings. Sometimes it was easy to forget that we didn't have royal things on the Isle - that Harley had never seen places like this. It reminded me of how sometimes I would stare when I first got here.

"Hey, guys," Ben looked up from whatever paperwork he was busy doing.

"Sup, Benny-bear," I teased, but he only rolled his eyes at the nickname. "So, remember when you said if we need anything, like anything at all, to talk to you?"

"Sure," He seemed a bit unsure as to where this was going.

"So, we had an idea." He nodded waiting for me to continue. "Evie got you the list, right? The one of all the kids to bring over?"

"Yeah. We were gonna let each one of you guys pick a kid to mentor and bring them over a handful at a time,"

"Well, we were thinking-"

"What happens to the kids still there?" Harley cut me off, finally joining in on the conversation, "With Uma gone, there's not really anyone left to watch over them, and I don't trust Hook and Gil to be in charge all by themselves."

"So what's your idea?"

"Send us back."


As crazy as it seemed, it was what we thought was best. Sure, Auradon was great but we were Villain Kids at heart, nothing would change that. And those kids back on the Isle need someone to look out for them. This would kill two birds with one stone.

"Things are changing, and if things ever go wrong, you're gonna want someone over there who knows that place like the back of their hand. You're not gonna get that from over here behind a desk."

He seemed to mull things over in his head, "Are you sure?"

We both nodded.

I knew there were a lot of kids on the Isle with neglectful parents. Villains aren't exactly great role models. I could only imagine the ones with parents worse off than mine. We couldn't just leave them there waiting for Ben's little transfer program to kick in, someone had to look out for them. At least, that's the idea.



I closed the door softly behind us, letting Ben get back to whatever kingly duties he was working on before we interrupted him.

"Are you sure you wanna come with me?" the blue-eyed girl standing next to me asked, "It's not too late to back out, ya know,"

"I know, I want to go back. Too much pink here anyways," I joked, "I feel like I go blind walking into some of the dorm rooms,"

She laughed at that, nodding along with my statement.

"I mean, it's not like you're trying to get rid of me or something, are you?"

She gave me a smirk, "or something,"

"Ouch, I'm hurt,"

Just as we rounded a corner we bumped into someone. Papers went flying and all three of us went down to help pick them up.

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