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Chapter 13: The War's Only Just Begun

"Or walk the plank!"

Mal seemed to contemplate, only for a split second. She went to hand over the wand to Uma when-

Mal seemed to contemplate, only for a split second. She went to hand over the wand to Uma when she stopped her, "Hold up. Mm. Too easy. Why don't you give it a test drive? We want to see it work."

Mal rolled her eyes at that, "You always were quite the drama queen."

"Oh, and nothing too big, or else Ben is fish bait." Ben was practically hanging from the plank, the only thing stopping him from tumbling in was Harry's hand on his jacket.

Considering the nervous looks on all their faces, the wand must be fake.

I saw Evie whisper something to Carlos. Mal looked back at the two and I noticed Carlos nod his head.

Over on one of the walkways behind the group was Dude. I guess the dog followed them.

"Okay." Mal pointed the wand at Dude and I had an idea where she was going with this, "Although it seems absurd, turn your bark into a word!" She flicked the wand but nothing happened.

"Talk, dog."

"Does this vest make me look fat?" It was still weird to hear Dude talk, but I'm sure weirder things have happened, "Hey, does anyone have some bacon? Cookies?"

All the pirates laughed at the talking dog. Even Uma and Harley seemed to find it entertaining.

"Give me the wand!" Uma demanded.

"Give me Ben!"

There was a moment of silence, like Uma was trying to see if there was some way to double cross the group, "Harry, bring him over."

Harry grumbled, unhappy that he wasn't able to hook the king as Uma had promised. He dragged Beastie away from the plank and over towards Mal and the others.

"Ooh, um, before you go," Gil followed the two, excited to talk to Ben. Though he was usually excited to talk to anyone, "Tell your mom that Gaston says hi and also tell your dad that my dad wishes he'd finished off your dad when he had the chance."

Harry threw Ben down onto the boardwalk, his knees slamming into the wood. Both Uma and Mal reached out their hands at the same time, ready for their prizes.

"Cut him loose, Harry."

"I never get to have any fun," Harry mumbled, cutting Ben free.

Mal grabbed onto Ben's hand and Uma grabbed the wand. At the same time they both let go and tugged back their winnings.

"Yes!" All the pirates started cheering, the wand finally in their possession.

"Ben, go!" Mal pushed Ben backwards, the VKs all doing their best to get away unnoticed.

I noticed a look on Harley's face. She had been relatively quiet through the whole ordeal, watching everything like a hawk.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Somethings not right," she said, a doubtful look on her face, "It was too easy,"

Uma raised the wand up to the sky, "By the power of the sea, tear it down and set us free!"

Nothing happened. It took a second for realization to dawn on the captain.

"No!" Uma was furious, she took the wand and snapped it over her knee, breaking it in half.

"It was a fake," Harley looked over at me, but I looked away.

"Ben!" Mal tried pushing the king towards the exit, but he wasn't moving, still trying to wrap his head around everything that was happening.

"You do not get to win every time!" Uma yelled.

"Get 'em!" With that, the pirate charged for VKs.

A smoke bomb was thrown, blocking our view of the others. You could hear swords clashing and yelling from both sides.

When the smoke cleared it was full-on chaos. A war had started and everyone was in some kind of battle of their own.

Up in the rafters, Evie had taken on two or three of her own pirates, as did Carlos. Uma was taking on Mal, a fight I had a feeling Mal would win. Jay and Hook were in their own standoff. Ben was fighting off a few of his own, fairly good with a sword for someone from Auradon.

I decided to join in, going for Lonnie, who had just finished dispatching a few pirates of her own. I didn't really want to fight the girl, after all, we were friends, but I knew if I didn't participate it would look suspicious.

"You know this isn't personal right?" I asked, our swords clashing against one another.

"I figured," She smirked, I could tell she was enjoying this, "It's okay, I enjoy a challenge,"

Lonnie and I had dueled a few times when I was showing her some moves so she could defeat the boys at fencing practice. She hadn't beat me yet, but she had come close a few times.

"You know, for pirates, some of these guys really suck at sword fighting," she said, talking about some of the other pirates who had charged head first into battle.

I laughed at that, "You're telling me,"

Our swords clanged, smashing and sending sparks flying. A few times she had almost managed to overtake me, but that was most likely cause I was going easy on her.

"You trust me?" I asked, Lonnie looked confused but agreed anyway.

I had an idea, one that would get me out of fighting and without it looking like I played favorites.

"Watch your footwork," I winked.

For a few minutes now I had been using sloppy footwork and just waiting for her to take advantage of that and the missing dock rail behind me.

Between the chaos going on around us and the excited look on her face, I couldn't tell if she was just going easy on me or just too distracted to notice my purposefully bad skill.

I heard splashes of other pirates falling into the waters below, the yelling of some just falling flat on their faces. The war was still raging and it seemed to be in favor of the VKs.

Our swords clanged a few more times. I made a bad maneuver and she used that to her advantage. She kicked in the back of my leg, tripping me up. I lost my balance, and before I knew it, I was sinking into the icy waters below.

I swam over to the side of the boat, climbing up the side. No one had really seemed to notice my tumble, which was fine by me.

When I got to the top there was a hand waiting for me, sticking out to help me up.

I was pulled up onto the boat, met by a pair of blue eyes, "You okay, angel?"


I looked back over at the boardwalks, noting the purple smoke swirling in the air. When it had vanished all that remained was an angry Uma and her crew. The bridge to the tunnel was gone, as well as the VKs.


So, still trying to decide on if I want a third book. I think I've decided to leave that up to you guys (the readers). If there's a large enough demand, I will supply.

Anyways, sometimes its hard to go by reads and comments how much demand there is, so I've created a poll link (it doesn't save you email address or any personal info, it only saves what you submit)

If you don't want a third book, take the poll anyways as that'll tell me what my readers want.

I will also have this listed in my bio


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