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Chapter 16: No Goodbyes

"Ugh, give it to me!" Uma charged at Fairy Godmother, attempting to snatch the wand for herself.

Fairy Godmother shouted, "No! Guards, seize her!"

Uma paused for a second, thinking her options through. She ran towards the railing of the boat, leaning against it as if she were about to jump. Everyone followed the girl, waiting to see what her next move was. Was she gonna jump? Did she have some other magic trick up her sleeve?

"No, no! Stop, please! Stop!" Mal stopped everyone, trying to stop Uma from jumping over the railing, "Uma, I know you. You are so much more than just a villain."

Uma leaned against the boat's railing, weighing her options, and for once, listening to the witch in front of her.

"And you have to believe me because I've been there. Do not let your pride get in the way of something that you really want."

Uma wasn't sure what to do, looking out into the crowd trying to decide the best course of action. Something caught her attention, her necklace started to glow. She looked back up at the crowd, a mischievous smirk on her face.

Uma climbed up on top of the railing, ready to jump in.

"Uma, wait!"

Uma stopped, turning around to face her best friend.

"There are other ways to get what you want," Harley gave the girl a pleading look, silently begging her not to jump.

Both the girls knew that Uma would survive the jump, but it wasn't about that. It was the principle of it. If Uma jumped, she'd either run or start a fight, possibly even both. She'd be dubbed a villain by the royals, wanted in the states for treason, or something of the sort. If she stayed though, she just might be able to advocate for those kids left on the Isle. Find a way to get them out safely without having to drop the barrier completely.

"You too, huh?" With that being said, Uma jumped into the icy waters below.

Everyone crowded around the railing, looking at where she went.

A whirlpool started to form in the water, the faint glow from Uma's magic necklace was the only indication that she was still in there somewhere. The whirlpool grew upwards, a huge spinning column of water jutting right out of the ocean. Just when it didn't look like it could get any bigger, it exploded, splashing the entire ship. Everyone was soaked from head to toe.

All that remained of the huge water tower was Uma, except she was different. She had grown ten times the size and huge tentacles as long as the ship where her legs should be. It was the same magic Ursula had used against Ariel.

"True love's kiss won't defeat this. The world will know my name!" Uma whipped her tentacles at the boat.

I grabbed Harley by the waist and pulled the two of us back, one of the tentacles flying a little too close for comfort.

"So, you chose good, huh?"

"This is the way,"

"And a Star Wars quote, I've taught you well, young padawan,"

"Mal?" I looked over to see Mal breathing heavily, her eyes glowing bright green. Either she was on the verge of a panic attack or something magical was about to happen.

Without much warning, purple smoke consumed Mal. What emerged wasn't Mal, not entirely. It was a black and purple dragon.

Another dragon?

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