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Chapter 12: Negotiations


"Well stop moving,"

"I'm not moving, you're just aggressive,"

After the events in the alleyway, Harley took me back to her place. I asked her why and she said something along the lines of not wanting me to get into another fight. It seemed like an excuse to me, but I didn't question it. Thankfully, her dad was asleep on the couch when we walked in so she didn't have to worry about explaining anything to him.

Now it was the next day. She was helping me put on makeup to hide the bruises covering my face. I'd do it myself but makeup never was my strong suit. Thankfully, after Harley made me ice them all night, the bruises weren't nearly as bad as I thought they'd be. Though they still hurt like a bitch.

"I'm not aggressive, you're just sensitive,"

I pouted, "Am not,"

"Aww, did I upset you?" She teased me, "Is someone being sensitive?"

I pouted even more, "You're the worst..."


"Coochy, coochy, coo." Harry was taunting poor Ben, who was tied to the mast of the ship, "How's it feel to be the king now, eh?"

"Give it a rest, Harry. Give it a rest. We don't want damaged goods." Uma sat down next to me on the step of the ship, quickly growing tired of Harry's mocking.

"You said that I could hook him," Harry complained, kinda resembling a toddler throwing a tantrum.

"I said at noon." Uma corrected.

Hook pulled out a pocket watch, dangling it inches from Beasty Jr's face, "20 more minutes."

Ben looked at the watch, not particularly concerned, "That says 11:30."

"You better hope your girlfriend comes through," Uma said, her patience beginning to grow thin.

"Well, she's not my girlfriend anymore." The look on Ben's face reminded me of a kicked puppy, just completely heartbroken.

Uma perked up at this, "Leave us alone, Harry."

Harry walked back over to Ben, their faces inches apart, "19 minutes to go now."

"Go." With that, he walked off.

"I'm not the only one who thinks he sounds like a leprechaun right?" I asked no one in particular. I got a laugh out of Ben and Harley, but Uma just ignored my comment.

"I get that you don't deserve this," Ben said, though it only made Uma laugh.

"This island is a prison, thanks to your father. And don't pretend to look out for me. Because no one's looking out for me. It's just me."

From the look on Harley's face, I could tell those words hurt her. She considered Uma her best friend so I could only imagine how hurt she was to hear Uma didn't feel the same. Ben seemed to notice the hurt look from Harley as well, but didn't comment on it.

"So this isn't your mom's plan?" Uma scoffed at that, "Isn't that her necklace?"

"My mom doesn't care about me, either." Uma was trying to be all unbothered by her family issues but it didn't take a genius to see it hurt her more than she admits, "Well, not unless she needs someone for the night shift."


"I don't need your pity."

"No, you certainly don't." Ben said, "You're very resourceful. I don't see you tied up."

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