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Chapter 9: Mothers

Thankfully, I was able to sneak Harley out without being caught, leaving Mal to do her own thing. Harley promised she wouldn't tell Uma about Mal being back, but I had a feeling it wouldn't be long before word got around anyways.

I had left not too long after, I just needed to get out and clear my head. Plus I had a feeling Mal could use a little alone time anyways.

I was on my way back now, but three familiar figures caught my attention.

I turned around, not exactly in the mood for a heart-to-heart or anything.


too late...

I turned back around to be met with the confused and concerned faces of Carlos, Evie, and Jay. They were all staring at me like they weren't sure whether to be relieved or worried.

"Miss me?"

Before I could really comprehend what was happening, Evie ran forward and engulfed me in a hug.

"What're you doing here?" She asked.

"Just needed to get away."

She pulled away from the hug, concern written all over her face. She looked back over to the boys, who simply nodded, giving us our space to talk.

She seemed worried, "Is this about Parker?"

I understood why everyone kept asking, but I was starting to get tired of hearing that question, "No,"

Now she was confused, "Then what are you doing back here? I thought you'd never want to come back considering-"

"My dad?" I finished her sentence, "Yeah, well right now he's the lesser of two evils,"

"So, this is about Parker?"

Sometimes I really hate how well my friends know me...

"No," now it was just a blatant lie.

"Skylar," I had a feeling I knew where this was going, "You can't just keep this bottled up. It's gonna eat you alive. Come on, talk to me, please?"

"There's nothing to say, Evie,"

"So, that's it? You're not gonna talk to me? You're not coming back?"


flashback; an hour or so ago...

"you wanted to see me, your majesty?" i asked, walking into the chip shoppe.

uma was sitting at one of the many tables, her feet propped up as she leaned in the chair, clearly waiting for me.

i looked around, noticing the lack of pirates that normally filled the tables and booths. it was just her, and harley who sat off to the side at another table.

"where's your little entourage?" i asked, kinda jokingly.

"why'd you come back?"

the question surprised me. we already did this once, i didn't think we'd be going through it again so soon.

"good is boring and pink's just not my color,"

she ignored the sarcasm, just rolling her eyes at me

"when you were in auradon, did your eyes ever glow?"

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