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Chapter 14: Second Chances

"Hey, I'm gonna need a small favor,"


"Oh my god, Sky!" Evie engulfed me in a hug, practically squeezing the air from my lungs.

"Can't breathe," I muttered. She let me go, holding my shoulders out at arm's length as she looked me over.

When I had gotten back I called Doug for a favor. I asked him to leave out the dress Evie made me for cotillion. And in true Evie fashion, the dress was impeccable and fit perfectly. I would've called Evie, but she would've questioned it, and this way it was a surprise.

The dress itself was dark green and rather simple. It was sleeveless with a high neck collar, which seemed to compliment my collar bones almost perfectly. And the dark green coloring complimented my simple makeup and green eyes.

"Firstly, that dress looks amazing on you," She noted, complimenting the dress.

"Your work is amazing, as always," she smiled at that, taking the compliment to heart.

"Secondly, how are you here?" She questioned me, "How'd you get off the isle?"

"It's a long story," I said, brushing off the topic.

"Sky!" Before I knew it I was being engulfed in a hug by Carlos and Jay, the two boys almost squishing me to death.

The two finally let go of me, standing next to Evie, "What're you doing here?" Carlos asked.

"I couldn't miss our first cotillion," I smiled at the three, "Also, there's something else,"

Before the three had a chance to question me, an arm wrapped around my waist. I reciprocated the action, wrapping my own arm around the girl next to me. "Guys, this is Harley," I introduced the girl standing next to me, not that she needed one.

The looks on the three were shocked, to say the least. Evie was the first to speak up, "What is she doing here?" She wasn't angry or rude, it sounded more like a genuine question.

"Well, I brought her with me," The three seemed confused, "If we got a second chance I don't see why she doesn't."

"Would you excuse us for a minute?" Evie had barely finished asking before grabbing my arm and tugging me away from the three. 

"Are you two here to commit some kind of evil scheme for Uma?" Evie questioned me.


She huffed, not convinced at all, "How am I supposed to trust anything you say when you're on their side?"

"Why does it have to be about sides? Can't I just attend a party to support my best friend becoming a lady of the court? Can't I make some new friends every once in a while?"

"Of course, you can, Sky," Evie looked over at Harley, who was politely talking to the two boys as well as Lonnie, Jane, and Doug who had joined the three, "Just not with her,"

"Come on, E. How is that at all fair? Do you know how hypocritical that sounds? We were no different from them when we left the isle. Why don't they deserve a second chance? We got one."

"That's different, Sky,"

"How? We literally only came here to steal the wand. We almost did." Evie had nothing to say now, she knew I was right, "Look, I get it, some people don't deserve a second chance. But Harley is a good person."

"How do you know?"

"Cause I've spent time with her. I really don't think she could hurt a fly even if she tried. She acts all big and tough, but she's just a softy," Evie's head tilted to the side a little, reminding me of a curious puppy, "The other day, in the alleyway. I wouldn't have taken a beating like that from just anyone, you know that,"

"Your dad," It was more a statement than a question, Evie knew how my father was and it was no surprise to hear about what he did.

"She took me back to her place and cleaned me up after that. There was nothing evil or malicious about it. I mean, she cleaned my cuts and made me ice my bruises. Evil people don't do that, E,"

Her head was still tilted in curiosity, only she had a small grin on her face, "You like her,"


"You like-like her,"

I was caught off guard by that, "No."

Evie just smirked, not at all convinced, "Sure,"

"What? I-"

"Come on," Evie grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back over to our friends.

Evie went ahead and stood by Doug, and I stood next to Harley.

Maybe Evie was right. Maybe I did have feelings for Harley. But that's a solid maybe. And even if I did, I would never admit that, not in a million years.


Trumpets sounded off, announcing the arrival of a royal, "The future Lady Mal!" Lumiere called from the top of the stairs.

We all crowded around the staircase, watching her in awe. The spotlight lit up her dress amazingly, the blue and yellows popping brilliantly in the night light. I looked over at Evie to see her proud smile. Proud, not only of her work but of our best friend.

We all cheered for her as she descended the steps, Ben's parents meeting her at the bottom.


"Hi," The nervousness in Mal's voice was blatant, anyone could see that,

"Ben is on his way," The Beast commented, "And you look beautiful," The Beast complimented.

"Oh, thank you," Mal laughed nervously.

"I know we were shocked at first, but you, you are exactly what Ben needs," Belle told the girl, fully believing what she said.

"And lucky for me, she doesn't go by first impressions." The Beast joked, causing the three to laugh.

Evie walked up to the three, stealing her best friend away from the couple.

"How are you?" Evie asked her friend, the two walking down to join the rest of the crowd.

"Uh, sort of feel like I'm gonna throw up," Mal answered honestly.

"Yeah? Okay. That's okay. Look, we're right here with you, okay?"


Mal looked around at us, her eyes catching mine and doing a double take.

"Sky!" She engulfed me in a hug, "What're you doing here?"

"Couldn't miss our first cotillion," I smiled at my friend.

Her gaze caught Harley's and she looked like she was about to question it, but the sound of trumpets erupted before she could.

"King Benjamin!"

Ben appeared at the top of the staircase. His suit dawned a little more isle flair than normal, leather patches and padding sporadically covered the formal pants and suit jacket.

Ben looked at Mal like he always did, as if she were the only person in the room. Mal of course looked at him the same way, though she'd deny it if you ever asked.

"Go get him," Evie nudged Mal, who met Ben at the bottom of the staircase.

Ben bowed, which Mal returned. But standing in front of Mal, his whole demeanor changed. He seemed on edge, nervous.

"Mal," He rubbed his hands together, visibly anxious, "I wish I had time to explain."

Just then, a new person arrived at the top of the stairs, standing out in her turquoise dress. To say Mal was hurt was an understatement. She was heartbroken.


A/N: only four more chapters after this...

what do yall think so far?
is sky gonna help mal or uma?
let me know your thoughts :)

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