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Chapter 15: Ball Gowns & Bad Ideas

"Mal," He rubbed his hands together, visibly anxious, "I wish I had time to explain."

Just then, a new person arrived at the top of the stairs, standing out in her turquoise dress. To say Mal was hurt was an understatement. She was heartbroken.

Ben met Uma at the top of the stairs, leading her down with their hands firmly grasped together. When they reached the bottom they turned to each other. Ben bowed down and kissed the ring upon Uma's finger. His royal ring.

The two walked over to Mal, acting as hopelessly in love as ever. But that's all it really was, acting.

I leaned over and whispered in Harley's ear just loud enough for only her to hear, "Are you sure you wanna do this? We don't have to if you don't want to. Uma will be fine without us."

"I'm not sure," The answer surprised me a little, I hadn't expected her to have a change of heart. But I didn't exactly blame her.

Being here, with all of my friends, my heart was having a war of its own. A violent game of tug of war, trying to decide who I should be loyal to. My friends, the VKs, the ones who were there for me since day one. Or the pirates, Uma and Harley, my sister and new friend.

Uma was blood, something I felt like I should be loyal to. And even though we weren't super close yet, I had a feeling it was only a matter of time before we got close. Harley wasn't exactly family, but our friendship had sparked a lot quicker than I expected it to.

But then there were the VKs, the guys who've helped me out of many predicaments, had my back for as long as I can remember. Especially Evie and Mal, who've helped me through so much.

The more I thought about it, the more it gave me a headache.

"I'm sorry," Ben tried to explain to Mal, "It all happened so fast. Something happened to me when I was on the Isle with Uma. A connection." Uma just smiled and nodded along, pretending to be hopelessly in love with the King.

"What are you saying?" Mal asked, trying to mask her heartbroken state.

"I'm saying-"

"It was love." Uma interrupted beastie jr, a huge smile plastered across her face, "It was. I just- I realized how alike Ben and I are, you know?"

"We are." Ben agreed, practically enamored by the girl in front of him.

"I know."

"You're so beautiful."

Mal just turned around to look at me, tears welling in her eyes, as though trying to gauge whether or not I knew about this. I did, but I wasn't about to admit that. Instead, I just gave her a sympathetic smile, knowing the heartache she was going through.

"Ben." Mal tried to gain the attention of the boy in front of her, only to be ignored.

"Ben." This time he turned, his attention momentarily pulled away from Uma, "Did you go back for her?"

"He didn't have to." Uma explained, "I dove through the barrier before it closed, and I'm an excellent swimmer."

"You are." Ben was solely focused on Uma, looking more like a lost puppy dog than anything.

"Aw, thank you."

"Listen, Mal." Uma stepped away from Ben, grabbing Mal's hand. Which, I could tell, almost broke the purple-haired witch, "I just really want to thank you, I do, for everything."

Uma pulled the girl, unwillingly, into a hug, "Thank you. Thank you so much."

From Mal's point of view, this all felt like one never-ending nightmare. She just stood there stunned. She didn't reciprocate the hug Uma gave her, how could she? Not when the girl single-handedly stole her boyfriend. Though, were they even still technically dating? The whole situation was a mess, one that confused Mal as much as it broke her heart.

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