to be continued...

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ominous title, i know.
however, skylar's story isn't over yet.

eventually, i do plan on writing a third book, but for now, i need a break from my descendant's career.

don't get me wrong, i've loved writing skylar and her sarcastic attitude, but i want to take a break and work on other projects.

there are a few things i want to cover before i leave this story for a while.

first and foremost;

thank you! thank you to all you readers out there who have voted, commented, and even just stuck with me through the inconsistent updates & rewriting spurs. you guys give me motivation to write and I probably wouldn't have written a second book if it weren't for you guys, so thank you!


yes, as mentioned above, i will eventually write a d3 book. however, for the time being, i want to focus on other stories and projects. as of right now, i don't know what my next story will be, but if you enjoyed skylars comedic and sarcastic attitude, a lot of my characters are the same way, so maybe go ahead and follow me for updates on my next story and for more funny, sarcastic, firey, badass (mildly traumatized) characters.


skylar will end up in a new relationship in the next story. i won't divulge who, though i'm sure you guys have your theories. i can say this however - it will not be parker! yes, parker is a good person and he never meant to hurt sky. yes, he did cheat on her. yes, he truly feels guilty for it. but i stand by what sky says. if you truly love someone there shouldn't be any 'moments' or 'accidents'. loving that person should be second nature. so no, parker and sky do not end up back together.


there are a few details mentioned throughout the book that i wanted to expand upon but just never really found the right spot. call them canon or headcanons, i don't know, but here they are;

1. harry and gil are definitely secretly dating.

2. mal and sky both definitely had crushes on each other at one point, they did almost kiss once, but they were almost caught by evie. they promised each other to never speak of it again.

3. the girl that parker cheated on sky with goes to sherwood fundamental (a rival school in sherwood forest - also the tourney team auradon was against in d1). she's actually the daughter of robin hood and maid marian.

4. jay asked lonnie to cotillion, since neither one of them had dates

5. at some point during their time on the isle, hook and mal dated. it was a secret relationship that no one really knows about, and the two eventually broke it off due to being in rival 'gangs'.

that's all for now, if i come up with anymore i may update this page, but for now, this is the end

i love hearing your guy's thoughts so please feel free to comment <3

sincerely, your friendly neighborhood author :)

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