Chapter 12

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Arthit POV

I walk into Bright bar, where we all have agreed to meet tonight. The first think I notice when I walk in is the smell of chocolate and vanilla. Kongpob. I look around to see if I can spot him, but like every night the bar is coward. Why would Kongpob be here. I ask myself. A week ago, when I stop that alpha from attacking him. He had run off after being accused of being a slut. The look in the alpha eyes, and the way Kongpob was shacking and looking down at the ground, told me something wasn't right. I wasn't able to find out the truth, as everyone was worried about Kongpob and where he had gone off too. I found out the alpha I punched name was Park and he was a bully to Kongpob, that much I could tell, from what I witnessed, but a crowed was forming and I had other business to see too, so I left. That was the one and only time I saw Kongpob, but I was very much curious about him. I had Knot dig into him, and what I found was...nothing. He was left at the orphanage at the age of 5, no records of him before that. He was an omega, a straight A student. Got into university on scholarship, double major, both engineering and economic. So far top of his class in both.

I was jerked out of my thoughts by a slap on my shoulder, I turned my head to see Bright standing behind me with a grin on his face "there you are! I thought you would never show up!" he said. I narrowed my eyes at him he smelled just like Kongpob, and I wonder why. I tiled my head, looking at him up and down "why do you smell like that kid?" I asked shrugging his hand off my shoulder. Bright just shrugged, turned away and headed back towards our group of friend, which I followed. When I sat down, I say Tutah looking around, he clearly looked worried, and I could smell the distress on him. Bright sat down on his left and Perm was to his right. Knott was sitting in the loan chair in front of them just like I was "Tut what is the matter, you have been looking around for the last five minutes" Knot finally asked. Tutah, always one to keep a level head except when he was really pissed off, looked at Knot, then the rest of us biting the pad of his thumb. "its...its Arthit mate..." he said then looking around. I sat up straight, so Kongpob was here, but were. I thought, now looking around again. "he went to the bathroom half an hour ago and he hasn't come back out. At first, I thought there was a line, but I notice a couple different men come and go from there within minutes." He said, then looked at Bright. "you don't think he went to your office, do you? He seems really nervous in around people. He wouldn't even shack your hand."

"he doesn't even know where my office is, maybe he just left" Bright said shrugging but clearly worried now too. He waved down a passing waiter "Hey Mark do you remember seeing that kid, that was working on my laptop at the bar leave?" Mark one of the waiters looks at Bright for a moment then looks up at the ceiling, after a moment he snaps his fingers, and shacks his head "he didn't leave, his boyfriend paid for an hour and took him upstairs, room...206 I believe." He said and Tutah quickly jumped up running towards the stairs, with us following behind. He is my mate! I will kill him and his lover!

Kong POV

I slowly regain conscience; my head is throbbing. I reach up to touch my head only for my hands to be stopped. I come fully awake and tug again. I look and notice my hands are tired to a bed post, one I have never seen before. I look around the room. I don't know this place. "hello! Anybody there?!" I ask the room is pitch black. I start tugging on the rope again trying to get free when the light flips on. I close my eyes at the sudden onsite of light, then slowly open them. There sitting in the chair is Park shirtless and his belt already undone. Oh god...oh no...oh please no someone help! I yell in my head. Park stands up and walks over to the bed "took you long enough to wake up little slut. I've only been waiting 10 minutes for you. I didn't want you to be knocked out and miss all the fun" he said with a sick smile as he started to pull his belt from his pants. "do you have any idea how much trouble you have cased me, little slut since you ran away huh? The other sluts at the house think they can start disobeying me know." I close my eyes and My body is already shacking, I already know what is coming. Please, please, please, let Khun Bright, or Khun Tutah realize I am missing. I pray. I have some hope, but not enough for it to bloom. Why would they care if I go missing? I am new to them. They don't know me. I feel a sharp slap across my face making me wince in pain "you will answer me when I talk to you slut" Park said, but I keep silence. I feel his hands on my chest and I realize I have no shirt on. I hear a crack then a whistle then a sharp pain against my chest, then another, then again. Park keeps whipping me against my chest with his belt. The whole time I remain silent biting my lip till it bleeds. When he is finally done, he grabs a fist full of hair yanking back hard making me scream in pain. This gives Park the opportunity he needs to thrust his dick in my mouth to the hilt. I did not realize he had undone his pants. I start gagging, eyes water. Park starts laughing as he thrusts in and out of my mouth, holding my head in place. "oh, fuck I have missed your mouth shut." I bit down on his dick hard, causing him to yell in pain and punch me in the side of the head hard, making the room spin. "you little bitch! I was going to be nice this time, but you want to be a bitch and bit me?!" Park yells punching me in the stomach this time, making me groan in pain and spit up a little blood. He flips me onto my stomach, tearing my pants in the process. "you see I was going to be gentle with you, but you had to go and ruin it like the bitch you are, so know your going to get what the fuck you deserve" Park says. I kick my legs backwards, getting him in the stomach. Park groan, falling to his side. I am still trying to tug my hands free of the ropes. The ropes are cutting into my writs due to my tugging making them bleed, but I have to get out of here. "d...don't to...touch me" I saw. Park sits up and I can feel the pure rage coming off him. He grabs my foot, twisting it, snapping it, making me scream out in pain. Tears are running down my cheeks, but I still fight. I don't want this anymore. Park used one of his hands to hold the back of my neck and press my head into the mattress, he then uses his free hand to hold my hips "you asked for this slut." He whispers in my ear as he thrust his dick into me. I cry out in pain, oh god it hurt! It hurts so much! He releases my neck, allowing me to turn my face and scream "STOP!! PLEASE STOP!!" I cry. It hurts so much! Worse than I remember! Park is using both his hands to hold my hips keeping them pined to the mattress. Thrusting in and out of me. I feel his body weight on me, his hot breath on my neck "you are mine slut, your mate will never want you, nobody will ever want you" he pants in my ear. I keep trying to get him off me, try kicking him with my unhurt leg, but its no worse, I am too weak. "PLEASE PARK, STOP, PLEASE! I AM BEGGING YOU!" I cry, and just when I think nobody is going to help me, the door bust open, and I smell my mate. I start crying even more. I feel Park being pulled off me, and the ropes being untied from around my wrist. I hear flesh against flesh, and I imagine someone beating someone else. I jerk back when I feel someone try and touch me. "its okay, nobody is going to hurt you here, everything is going to be okay" I hope my eyes and I see Tutah standing there. He has a jacket in his hand holding it out to me. My body is shacking, I am so scared. "Arthit enough! Your mate needs you!" Tutah says and I jerk my eyes towards the man who is standing there body shacking in rage. His fists are dripping with blood, he looks at me, pure rage in his eyes. "I'm sorry" I mumble before everything goes black. 

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