Chapter 80

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Kong POV

I was really worried that Ming would hate me because I put P'Kit in danger. When I saw him standing at the door with everyone else, I almost had a panic attack. If P'Arthit wasn't there I just might have. My worries though were for not. He wasn't mad at me. At least not for what happen in the bathroom that day. He was however upset that I thought so lowly of him. I didn't mean too I really didn't. It took me a little while to realize he was just playing. That day was being with my friends, their mates, my boys, and mate was the most relaxing day I've had in over six months. I never wanted it to end. I got to meet Ming and P'Kit little boy Lamai. He is such a gentle sweet boys. Very quit. My boys seem friendly with him. That made me wonder, how often Ming and P'Arthit hung out together. I wonder if they were getting along better than they were before. I would be really happy and shocked if that was the case.

P'Arthit said that he had to leave today, and it freaked me out. I don't like it when he isn't around. If even worse if I wake up and he isn't here. I always start thinking everything was a dream. It's not till I see him. Till I am in his arms again that my mind and body finally calm down and I realize it is not a dream and I really am home. All though he hasn't said anything, I know my P'Arthit is tried of me being so clingy. He can't get anything done because of it.

"Kongpob?" I jump hearing my name. I quickly look around to notice P'Arthit grandfather, James and Tawin looking at me. We are sitting outside in the garden enjoying the nice cool weather this afternoon. The twins asleep on a cot in the shade. I look down at my hands embrassed. It's not the first time I have zoned out while people have tried to talk to me. I am still not to use to being address like this

"Sorry" I mumble.

"You have nothing to be sorry for my boy. Please don't feel like you need to apologize." Somasak said. I nod my head in agreement. "Would you like me to repeat the question?" I nod again because really, I have no idea about what we are talking. "No worries my boy. I asked if you had any plans to enroll back into school?" I look up at him shocked. Fear starts building in my stomach thinking about going outside. Thinking of being separated from my mate for more than a few moments. Fear of being away from my twins. "Kong...its okay, it's just a question." Somasak says gentle, patting my arm. I look at him fear clearly in my eyes. "I didn't mean this moment, or even six months down the road, I was just asking" I can feel my heartbeat start to slow down at his comment. I wouldn't have to be separated from my mate and children any time soon.

"I might, if P'Arthit says I can"

"If I say you can what?" I turn at my mate voice. P'Arthit was standing in the doorway looking at us. He had the first three buttons of his shirt undone and his sleeves rolled to his elbows. A smile playing on his lips as his eyes lock with mine. I get up from my seat rushing over to him, wrapping my arms around his wraist as I burry my face in his neck. "Hi bunny" He whispers softly as he locks his arms around me. He kisses my head gentle rocking us gentle. I've felt on edge all day because he hasn't been here, and now that I am in his arms again, I feel my body relaxing. We stand there for a few minutes before I feel relax enough to pull away. P'Arthit looks at me smiling, before gentle kissing my forehead

"You know we are still here" Somasak says. I blush burring my face in my mates chest as he chuckles at his grandfather.

"Yes, I can see you all very clear pawpaw."

"Don't get smart with me boy" Somasak says chuckling. My P takes my hand and leads me back to where I was sitting, pulling me onto his lap as he takes my spot. I curl against him burring my face in his neck, inhaling his scent. I have always loved the sweet and spicy scent he has just for me.

"Now what where you talking about a few minutes ago?" P'Arthit said as he rubs my back gentle.

"Aw I was asking him if he wanted to sign back up for school. Not right now of course, but when he feels up to it." I can feel my P nod his head as his hands move from my back to my neck gentle.

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