Chapter 50

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Arthit POV

I watch Kong sleep propped up against the couch in my home office. A smile playing on my lips. My thoughts are brought back to a week ago, the smile falling off my lips.


I was waiting backstage till everyone left before I could follow my mate out. I knew he was annoyed at me, and I would have to make it up to him. I smirk thinking of the ways to make it up to him. My bunny always wanted me just as much as I wanted him. That thought alone had plenty idea running though my head. The vibration of my phone brought me out of my thoughts. Pulling it out I look at who is caller confused and worried when I see Ming flashing.


"P, you need to get here quickly. The dean has stopped Kong at the entrance when we were leaving. Kong tensed up when he started to talk. I don't have a great feeling about this." Ming said. I hung up without replaying, rushing towards the entrance.

I turn the cornor just in time to see the dean grab Kong arm hard, pissing me off. "What the fuck is going on here?" I was pissed. NOBODY grabs my mate like that. Somsaks eyes go wide in surprise and Kong looks at me with tears in his eyes pissing me off more. I grab Somsaks hand yanking it off Kong arm.

"Oh, Khun Rojnapat it wasn't as it seem. The poor thing was about to fall so I grabbed his arm." The fucker was lying I know it. I see Kong rub his arm from the cornor of my eye. I look back Somsak as Kong moved to stand behind me. "I am not done with you Khun Suthiluck. Khun Rojnapat this was the student who fell asleep, Khun Suthiluck apologizes right now." Somsak said, reaching for Kong. I move to block him. I'll be damn if he touches what is mine again.

""He is pregnant and has no reason to apologize to me. Are you going to make every student who fell asleep apologize? He surely wasn't the only one who did." I said crossing my arms over my chest. I could feel myself getting anger by the minute. I felt Kong hand touch my back, and I knew he was trying to calm me down.

"Hmm...Well he was the only one I notice." Somsak said. I had notice that he has been looking at my Kong more than anyone else. I raised an eyebrow at him questioning him as to why. Before he could answer Kong gasped loudly. After making sure he was alright, I had Ming take him to the bathroom. Once out of sight, I motion Forth towards me, before turning back to Somsak.

"Forth tell me what happen here" I said looking directly at Somsak. Forth recalls everything he saw and heard. My eyes flash hearing this...fucker calling my omega a slut. "Anything you have to say for yourself?"

"He is laying sir. Are you going to take his word over mine?" Somsak said smirking "He is a student and a Jamornhum, we all know how their family is. Beside Mr. Rojnapat why are you so curious about what was said to a silly omega?" I can feel Forth get pissed at that statement. I place my hand on Forth shoulder pulling him back.

"That silly omega as you call him, is my mate, and if I ever, and I mean every hear you speak about him in any form I will cut your tongue out and shove it up your ass. If I ever hear you have touched even a single hair on his head, I will cut your hands off. If I ever find out you even LOOK at my mate, I will scope your eyes out and feed them to you one by one." I said my voice low, menacing.

"Y...yes...yes of course...I'm sorry...I...I didn't know he was your mate..." Somsak stuttered. Soon after the president and the dean of engineering showed up, and I notice Yo smirk. He must have heard for this fuckers lie. Soon after that my Kong came back, and after talking for a little while longer he got annoyed and dragged me away.

Flashback ends

"Arthit, I need help." Kong groan snapping me out of my thoughts. I rush over to him, helping him stand up. "I can't wait to meet our babies. Then I won't be so fat anymore" He says rubbing his belly. I slap his ass gentle making him yelp narrowing his eyes at me.

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