Chapter 35

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Kong POV

My morning classes were over, and even though I was still very much tired, I think I did pretty well on my exams. When I woke up this morning my P' had already disconnected the call, but I wonder how long he had actually stayed on the line. As today is Thursday I had economic classes today. I had a two-hour break between my morning and afternoon classes, so I took this time to study. I was sitting outside as the weather was cooler today than normal.

"Kong! Kong! You have to help me!" Well, there goes my study session. I thought as I close my book and look up at Ming. He looked really worried but knowing him his "worry" as about which new game to buy.

"What do you need help with Ming?" I ask annoyed. I was to be tried for his "problems" today. He must have sensed how annoyed I was as he sat down across from me looking worried.

"Hey whats wrong?" he asked. I sigh knowing that it wasn't his fault I was feeling like this. I shack my head then smile.

"Just tried. Now, what did you need my help with" I ask giving me a smile. I know its not my best, but I really am tired. I haven't slept peacefully all week. P'Arthit told me I could have my friends stay with since he would be gone, but I turned it down. Now I am rethinking it. Ming raised an eyebrow not believing me but didn't push it.

"I need help planning a date night for P'Kit! He finally has a night off and I want to spend it with him. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!" He begged folding his hands together kneeling in front of me. I just look at him, ignoring the looks we are getting around us.

"Ming stand up." I say grabbing his hand pulling him up, well at least trying to pull him up. The big buffalo is heavier than he looks. "I don't know how much help I will be; I wouldn't know the first thing about setting up a date. You have dated before, why not use one of those ideas?" Ming looks at me shocked.

"Why would you even stay that! This is P'Kit we are talking about here. My mate! Those other dates were nothing special. I want to do something SPECIAL for him." He speaks. Ming sat down next to me, letting his head hit the table. I wince as I can only imagine how much that hurt, but Ming didn't say anything. I know how much Ming cares for his P'Kit, I see it every time I see them together. I think of different things that I would want done for me. When an idea pops in my head.

"Hey how about a romantic dinner and movie in? I can cook P'Kits favorite food, and you two can watch a movie together? I know it sounds cheesy but P'Kit seems like the type to like simple things" Ming looks up at me with a huge smile on his face.

"that's a great idea! I could have the family suite cleaned and we can stay there tonight!"

"No, No, don't do that. You haven't told P anything about your family yet, and he might question a lot of things." I tap my chin thinking when another idea pops in my head. "I have it! You two can have your date night at P'Arthit place. He told me I could have you guys stay with me while he was away. He won't be back for three more days anyways." Ming looks at me raise an eyebrow. I know he is worried about what my P might say, but I know if I explain it to him, my P wont mind at all. "There is a pool and a hot tube you can use as well. It will be okay Ming, I promise." Ming looks at me hesitate for a moment then nods his head smiling

"This is going to be wonderful evening!" Ming takes out his wallet handing me his card. He laughs at my confuse expression. "You get out of classes before me, and things for my P'KitKat dinner will need to be bought. I don't expect you to pay for it you silly omega" he says laughing. I just shack my head chuckling lightly. A ding on Ming phone brings his attention back to school as he hurries off to his next class. I only have one more class this afternoon, So I can do the shopping after that.

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