Chapter 28

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Arthit POV

"I believe my mate told you to let him go." I was seeing red. I was already pissed when I got to this bar, but now I was in rage. Someone dared put their hands on my mate?!


When my mother pinged me to tell me I should bring Kong with me tomorrow, and to have Tutah take him to get a suite, I was on the fence. I know he still had to be sore. I was not very gentle over the last three days. Then there was the pregnancy. I didn't know if he would actually go. I sent him a message telling him I was going to call him after class, but after seeing the time I knew he was between classes, so I called him instead.

"Kong phone how may I help you?" An angry voice said on the other end. I pulled my phone away to look at the screen. Who the fuck has my omega phone?!

"Who the fuck is this and where is Kong?" I said annoyed.

"Why does it matter asshole? Why are you calling him knowing he is in school?" What the fuck?! How day he talks to me like that!

"Ming!" Kong yelled. Oh, so it's that asshole, I clam down knowing he was with his friend. "hello?" he finally said to me

"why did he have your phone?" I asked still annoyed but not as much as before I heard his voice.

"I was packing my things to head to class when you called...did you need something Khun?"

"Khun?" My stomach dropped hearing him call me so formal. "Never mind. My mother wants you to come to a charity event as my date tomorrow night. Tutah will pick you up from school to pick out suit since I assume you don't have one." I said matter of fact. There was no point beating around the bush, right?

" Another voice said, I bet its Yo, the third friend was always so quiet. I couldn't even get a response in when the line went dead. Wait? Other plans? What other plans?!

"What the fuck?" I said aloud looking at my phone. "Was I just hung up on?" I asked looking up at my friend as we sit in my office.

"You sure were buddy" Bright said

"I would have hung up on you too" Tutah said "you were so rude."

"How was I rude? I just told him the truth" I said confused

"It was the way you said it 'Thit" Knot said. "you should have asked him not told him. You have to remember he is not only pregnant but an omega. You know how sensitive they can be" He finished looking at Tutah raise an eyebrow.

"As if I will agure that point" Tutah said looking at his nail "and another thing who said I would take him huh?"

"my mother" I smirked showing him the message she said

"Oh, well is mae asked then of course I would have been happy to do so! But back to the point, you need to learn to ASK your mate stuff, remember he is not one of yoru employees." He finished. I looked at my phone for a moment thinking. He was right, I really need to start doing better with him. We are already becoming good friends. I know that when I go home, he is there, and I can vent to him.

"You are right. I really need to watch how I speak to him. I just...I just don't want him to have hope there will be more between us." I say, but in the back of my mind a voice was calling me a lair.

"give him hope or yourself?" Perm finally spoke up.

"Him of course" I say making him just hmm. I watch my friends look at each having a silent conversation. I hate when they do that. Tutah agree to pick him up after his last class to get him a suit. I had sent a message to let him know but got no response.

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